Chapter 6: There is No Escape

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Scarlett P.O.V.

I just got home and was about to open the TV to see if there is anything interesting to watch when I heard the front door of the house open and close with a bang like someone slam the door shut.

It must be Bethany. No one else has the key to the house except her. She came to the living room and collapse on the floor looking like she just finish running and her eyes were filled with panic and terror.  

I quickly got of the couch and went to her trying to calm her down. She is so terrified and panic that she could not speak properly. Then I remembered the last time she came to my house in this condition and figured out that her behavior has something to do with her ex psychopath date.

I manage to calm her down enough to tell me what happen. She told me someone sent her a bouquet of flowers to her office and when she found the card it was from him. She then shows me the card.

The only words written in cursive in the middle of the card was,

I will see you soon.  M.E  

My heart freezes when I saw those words. I look up at Bethany. No wonder she is so panicked right now. I was also panic and scared but I did not show it to her because I need to be her strength right now so she does not panic even more. My brain is working out what to do about this situation and decided the best solution is to go to the police station in the morning to report this.

I wanted to go now but it was a little late and Bethany is still freak out. I need to put her to sleep so that she can rest and clear her mind.

“Come on. Let’s get you change and go to sleep” I tell her softly while I gently help her getting of the floor and guided her to her room. I left her side for a bit to get her sleeping clothes and when I came back to her I tell her “change into this I will be waiting for you” she just nodded at me still to freak out to say anything and grab the clothes I gave her and went to the bathroom to change.

While she was in the bathroom changing I thought about what was happening to my friend and the more I thought the more I got mad. Why couldn’t that bastard leave my friend alone and look for something else to occupy his time. I was just thinking about what tortures I am going to do to him if I ever manage to get my hands on him for what he has done to my friend when the bathroom door slowly open. I kept that thought for later and went to help my friend to her bed.

I made sure that she was really sleeping before I got off the bed switching off the lights before I left the room. I hope she sleeps okay and not have nightmares till she can not sleep.

I went to my own room and to sleep as well. I didn’t know that he had check out all the details about me and Bethany and knows when to strike without being caught and that was my mistake.  

I woke up the next morning feeling tired because I did not have a decent sleep thanks to all the nightmares that I had. I hope Bethany had a better sleep than me but I doubt it. Oh well time to get ready for work. I did my normal routine of getting ready for work.

Once I check my self in the mirror and was satisfied with my appearance I got out of the room and went to Bethany’s room to check on her but she was not there. So I went to the kitchen to see if she is there and sure enough she was there stuffing her face with the ice cream I bought the other day.  

“Seriously? Stuffing your face with ice cream early in the morning Beth” I said with a little humor in my voice. “This is my comfort food don’t mock me” she said defensively. “Ok” I said with my hands in a surrender manner. Then I got serious. “We need to go to the police station today to report about your psychopath stalker and get the right security so when he makes his move we will be ready for him” I said in my most serious voice and she had the nerve to laugh at me. “What is so funny?” I demanded. “We are talking about your safety here not some joke. You should take this matter more seriously. I can’t believe you were the one who was so freaked out yesterday night”.

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