Tokyo ghoul as a song

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please sing this in the same tone as jingle bell

to make things interesting, sing it out loud

and spoiler. Duh

A simple story

This is a simple story
About a boy that I felt sorry
He just wanted a date
But turns out the date was a bate

He manage to escape
From that horrible-ass fate
But just he thought he was safe
He turns into a ghoul he hate


I am so sorry
This is sad
You're going mad
Because of your terrible fate

Kaneki kaneki
Mother freaking kaneki
God dammit
Are you stupid?!
Tsukiyama's a freak!

Oh great, what is this sh*t
kaneki is now insane
And with one just simple bit
A cannibal he became

Just as he thought it will end
His best friend hide came
And what a freaking shame
That death came to his best friend


What the hell
What the hell
This is so sad
Tears falling
Everyone's dying
As the tragity continue

What the hell
What the hell
Hide's freaking dead
He's the only
Support kaneki had-

What the freaking hell.

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