[A Kuroko Testsuya Christmas fanfiction]

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Before I start, This is a story for my friend, Sharon. :)

And for you, my dear friend, Sharon. I have no intention to quip you with this story, but rather just resolving things with the character and making it neutral again. 😆

Contains so many inside jokes that it might not make sense 🤔

She wanted to me to make her swag so here it is.



"Thank you, come again." A certain bluehead boy smiled as he watched the last customer left the cafe. Not long after, the smile that he was plastering dropped down as he let out a tired sigh.

He glanced at the clock. It was 9 already. The boy cracked a small smile again as he was finally able to go home, but something stopped him from doing that as his smile disappeared the second time.

The bluenette shook his head, trying to push the thoughts away and cleaned all the necessary stuff before going to the staff room. He placed his hat before switching out his uniform with his normal clothing and packed his items.

By the time he was done with all that it was 9:30.

As the boy was about to exit the door, a man's voice rang through his ear, "Kuroko." The man called to which the boy now known as Kuroko responded by quickly turning around and facing him. It was the cafe's owner, Yoshimura.

The man let out a gentle smile, holding a cup of coffee. "I made coffee, would you like some?" He asked.

"Ah..no, thank you." Kuroko politely turned down. "I don't drink coffee."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm not really into them.."

"Hm.. alright." Yoshimura nodded before drinking the coffee himself. The room was silent as Kuroko waited for the man to finish his coffee. It wouldn't be right to just leave the cafe without leaving a consent first.

"Ah~~" The old man huffed out, grinning ear to ear. "This coffee tasted so good." He said complimenting himself.

Kuroko chuckled at the old man antics before lifting his bag to his shoulder. "If you excuse me, Yoshimura-san, I have to get going now."

"Alright, have a good night, Kuroko." Yoshimura smiled. "You can have a day off tomorrow being that it's Christmas Eve and all."

Kuroko paused as he realized what the man had said.

Christmas eve...?

Is it already almost Christmas? When did time go so fast?

Christmas eve...

'What will I do on Christmas Eve?' Kuroko wondered as he eyed down his feet. There isn't much stuff to celebrate on Christmas Eve, to be honest.

Usually, at this time of year, people would hang out with their family or friends or lover. Though Kuroko's family doesn't celebrate Christmas, they only celebrate new years.

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