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A week had passed, everything had started to settle down again after the arrival of Warren Worthington iii. School was starting to seem like a bore, and Jean would constantly try and talk to him about what had happened but Kurt didn't want to think about it, he hadn't seen Warren since he spoke to him in the infirmary , as much as he wanted to like that thought, part of him wanted to speak to him, so after school on a Friday, he asked Jean for his room number which was near Hanks and headed right there as his English class ended and reached the right door, ignoring Jeans expression when he asked her for the number, she had that smug look, but it was never her idea. Kurt needed to see if he was okay, after all, he was responsible for what he did to him.

After a minute of working up the courage he knocked on the door, he heard grumbles inside and arched an eyebrow.                                                                                                                                                           "FUCK OFF" Warrens voice yelled through the door. Warren hadn't left his room much, not unless it was to piss, drink and eat, there was a reason why he yelled through the door , numerous people had started to find out the ex horsemen had been staying there and had decided to prank him many times, he hadn't got much sleep either, he would constantly have his door knocked on, so he resolved to screaming at them to go away, it was handy scaring people off when you were trying to end the world not long ago.  

Kurt jumped a little unaware of what had been happening and sighed "Varren? Its Kurt......i just wanted to speak to you " he said to the door and fiddled with his fingers anxiously, he waited a minute, two minutes before the door opened, Warrens face poking through the crack of the door, still the same , tired face looking at the smaller demon. Kurt scrunched his nose up a little at a strong smell and something that made his throat burn, alcohol. Kurt frowned a little "Can i uh come in?" he asked, he had a feeling he had a lot of work to do to make sure Warren would be okay. Warren hesitated for a moment and sighed "Whatever" he huffed and opened te door, Kurt rushed inside, forgetting Warren was shirtless and looking around horrified. The room looked like a  bombsite, beer bottles were either smashed or untouched, alying around the room and his bed was half of the frame, the sheets half torn and strung across the floor, Kurt gasped seeing the state he'd been in "Look at this place! its a mess!" he yelped and immedietly opened the window , letting in fresh air and began sweeping up smashed glass bottles with his sweater. Warren stood at the door, looking at him, eyebrows raised confused "What are you doing?" he asked confused , crossing his arms watching the blue boy clean up his room "Does this place hire maids?" he teased, earning a sharp glare from Kurt who rolled his eyes.

"Nein , but I'm not letting you stay in this room when it looks like a pig sty. I'm cleaning up, changing your sheets....and washing your clothes, zhey stink" he cringed and sighed as he grabbed a bin bag , putting broken and dirty plates and bottles in it, then shifting it to the side, moving on to strip his sheets , his tail swishing. Warren sighed and rolled his eyes "Your not my mom, i was fine with having it like this..but if you REALLY want to help then you could help me with cutting holes in my shirt" he mumbled and sat on the floor, legs crossed. Kurt stopped and looked at him confused "Why would you need cutting holes in your shirt?" he asked finding it a strange thing to do. he finished changing sheets and sprayed some air freshener, cleaning up his desk while he did it using his tail. 

Warren had already picked up a shirt and some scissors, cutting in two holes on the back of a shirt Hank had lent him "wings dumbass.......if i even get them back" he sighed, Kurt felt the sadness in his voice and gulped, bamfing next to him, looking at him sadly "I'm sure they will....they did last time" he mumbled and tried to assure him, the sick guilty feeling returning to him. Warren stopped and looked down "That was only because i was with him" he said quietly. Kurt gulped, feeling like he should leave him alone now, the room was tidy enough and he'd hidden most of the beer. he stood up "I'll go now..I'm sorry if i annoyed you, make sr you don't drink" he said and sighed turning away. he made it half way to the door when something gripped on his tail again. Warrens hand holding him back, he pulled him gently down to the floor again, his face looked weaker, more human and authentic "Stay? I kinda get lonely and...i still need help with these-" he said quietly, gesturing to the pile of Hanks shirts.

Kurt  looked at him confused, not knowing why he'd want him there but nodded a little, if he needed company he was going to make sure he had it, and that he was ok "Ja...okay" he mumbled and picked up a shirt, using his tail to cut holes through the shirt "if you don't think your going to get wings back...why cut the holes?" he asked, teasingly slightly and smiled lightly.

Warren looked at him, looking like he didn't know if he was mad, embarrassed or impressed. But he smirked and nudged him lightly "You don't have to be a smart ass to embarrass me, you've already done that......and don't start apologizing" he said and looked at Kurt, his cheeks a light purple, he nodded a little and smiled.

the rest of the night was great for Warren, he was starting to enjoy hid company, Kurt told him about  his childhood in Germany and how he grew up in a circus, Warren told him about his father and how he was taken into the ring, although they were opposites they seemed to get along perfectly. After a while Kurt yawned a little and stretched, looking to Warren and smiling lightly "I should get to my room, its late...but ill see you tommorow?" he asked and smiled lightly, his tail curling next to him. Warren looked at him and sighed, a feeling of sadness in his stomach, that day was the first he'd talked to someone and enjoyed it, truthfully ever, he didn't want him to leave, especially now, he was scared he'd have another one of those damn nightmares. "C-can you uh stay? like for the night? theres no point going back to yours, why not crash here?" he asked, his cheeks pink a little, knowing he probably looked and sounded like a little girl with a crush, Kurt was something else to him. 

Kurt blushed a bright purple and smiled lightly, if he'd be staying in his room it meant he'd be okay, and now he was thinking Warren had always been attractive to him, not just looks but everything else, he nodded quikly and smiled lightly "Ja okay, ill sleep on the couch " he smiled lightly, and looked at Warren who looked like he wanted to say something and raised his eyebrows, pressing him on. "Well you may as well sleep in my bed, if you don't mind sharing" he mumbled flushed and looked down, making Kurt blush more "Are you sure?" he asked.

Warren nodded and shrugged "yeah, if you don't mind sleep talking " he smiled. After they both agreed, Warren got up to shower and let Kurt relax, which he was, the demon was curked up under the sheets but still awake, he whined a little as Warren climbed in letting in cold air in the blankets  and sighed , the room went dark and Kurt immediately opened his eyes, just about seeing the blonde boy, "hes looking at me" Kurt and Warren both thought to themselves. Warren was bearing himself up about something, he really wanted to kiss him, but was almost sure he'd push him away, he growled to himself, taking a deep breath, there was no harm in trying, he moved closer to him, lifted Kurts chin up and kissed him gently, his lips were surprisingly soft which made him want to kiss him more. Kurt was shocked to say the least and asking so many questions, why him? Kurt had never kissed anyone before so it was a suttle moment of panicking before he found himself kissing back, slowly but the same pace as Warren, when he felt Warren pilling away he stopped and looked at him blushing, he kissed Warren again before cuddling up to him, his tail wrapping around his waist gently, his eyes heavy, and they both fell asleep.

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