MCD Garroth X Guard reader

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(Just so you all know, there is no gender preference in this, so whenever you see they, them, or their, put which ever gender you want)

Your POV:

I had just finished my training at the Guard Academy, with my best friend Garroth. We had been through thick and thin in this Academy, as well as floods of emotions at times. But here we were looking for a village to go to.

"Garroth! (Y/N)! The head Guard Trainer wants to see you!" Said one of the newer members to the Academy, Azure. "What..? Why?" Garroth asked. His voice sent my heart beating faster then a Wyvern could fly, I love the sound of his voice. "He didn't say, he just told me to come get you." She answered. I smiled at her. "Thank you Azure." I said, and she nodded, before walking away. "C'mon Garroth, it can't be that bad right?" I asked. "You never know with him..... he might send us on another errand. We may have graduated, but because we're still here, it's a possibility." He said. I grabbed his hand, and led him to the tower where the Head Guard Trainer resigned. "Think positively! It could be something good." I said, smiling. Garroth shook his head as we kept walking to the tower, hand n' hand.

Garroth's POV:

Why is my heart pounding in my chest? We aren't running.... and it only started pounding when (Y/N) grabbed my hand.... I thought, but my thoughts were cut short when the sound of the Head Guard Trainer's voice sounded in my ears. "Sir Garroth, (Sir/Lady) (Y/N), we have a request from a village to send our top guards to them, for hire. You two are the only ones here that have graduated, so in turn, I'm sending you to the village." He said, turning around to look at us. "Well?" He asked. "Well what sir?" (Y/N) asked. "Get going!" He barked. "But sir we don't know where the village is, nor do we know what it's called." They said again, their tone neutral. The Head Guard Trainer sighed. "Take this map, it'll lead you there, and the village name is Phoenix Drop. Now go! And make sure to give credit to where it belongs!" He barked again, before we left. (Y/N) closed the door. "You were a lot more quiet this time, what's on your mind Garroth?" They asked. I glanced at them through my helm, and sighed. "Nothing, just wondering what this village's going to be like." I said, (Y/N) nodded. "Well, as long as we're still together, I have a feeling we won't need to worry." They said smiling. I smiled back." Your right, now let's go get our things, we'll need to head out pretty soon." I said, (Y/N) nodded. "Alright, let's go."

~~~|Time Skip|~~~

Your POV:

We had arrived in a small town about a day's worth of travel away from Phoenix Drop. It was hard to see out of my own helm, it made me wonder how Garroth did it. We then walked into an inn, and walked up to the cash. "Hello, and welcome to the Wyvern's Breath Inn, how may I help you today?" Asked the lady at the cash. "We would like a two rooms please, one night stay, single bed each." Garroth said. The lady began to check her books, a small frown appearing on her face. "I'm sorry Sir, but we only have one room left, and it's a single bed, do you still want it?" She asked, looking between the both of us. Garroth glanced down at me, him Diamond blue eyes filled with nervousness. He looked back at the lady, and was about to speak when I spoke instead. "Dose it come with other furniture?" I asked, and the lady went back to check the book she had found the empty room in. "Yes it does. A couch and two chairs." She answered. I didn't even look for Garroth's approval, and simply said. "We'll take it." Garroth looked down at me in dismay. Man he can be so dumb at times.... I thought, as the lady responded. "Great! That'll be six gold please." I rummaged through my bag and pulled out the required gold and handed it to the lady. "Thank you, here's your key, enjoy your stay." She said, I nodded to her, as I led Garroth to the room. "41, 42, 43, 44.... Aha! 45." I said, unlocking the door. We walked in, only to find that there wasn't a couch, nor was there two chairs, there was only a bed, a table, a night stand, and a rug. "What th-.... but the lady said that there were two chairs and a couch!" I said in shock, as we walked in further. ".... oh, look, here's a note." Garroth said, picking up a piece of paper. "If your looking for the other furniture you were promised...... don't bother, I took it to put in my house!?" He read. "Who would do that!?" I said, shock and anger laced through his voice. "Garroth, quiet down! There are other people here you know! We don't want to be thrown out!" I whisper yelled at him. He sighed and quieted down. "Your right.... I'm sorry
(Y/N)." He whispered back. "It's okay, now, let's figure out how we're going to sleep for tonight." I said, Garroth nodded. "Yeah, let's."

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