PDH Aaron x Reader

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Aaron's POV:

I had just arrived here at college, and I already miss them..... now I know your probably wondering who I mean by them, so I'll tell you. I miss (Y/N)..... we grew up together, and they were my best friend. But after we graduated high school, they went to college immediately, and I haven't seen them since. We've only texted once, maybe twice, but they've been busy with their class work, so it understandable... and often times lonely..... but I respect them for taking their responsibilities. So here I am walking blindly into the college, with boxes in front of my face and I can't see a single thing. I walked for what seemed like hours, people walking by me like I didn't exist, that is, until I bumped into someone. "Oh my... I'm sorry!" Said the person I bumped into. "N-no no! It's my fault, I should have be watching where I was going!" I said nervously laughing. They began to laugh along with me, and there was something familiar about their laugh. I looked at the person on the ground in front of me, to my surprise, it was (Y/N). Unmistakably (Y/N). They looked up at me, and their (E/C) eyes light with joy. "A-Aaron!? I-is that you!?" They asked. "Oh my Irene! (Y/N)! Yes it is me! When did you start going here!?" I asked. "I should be asking you the same question!" They said, laughing slightly, I stood up and helped them up as well, beginning to stack my boxes up again. "Heh, yeah, I guess you should." I said. They looked at all my boxes. "Whoa, that's a lot of stuff! Do you need a hand?" They asked. "Uhh... actually... yeah. That would be nice." I said, they smiled and grabbed half of my boxes. "Okay then, where's your room?" They asked. "Uhh... that's the problem.... I don't know where it is...... all I know is it's room number 412....." I said. "Oh wow! That's just a door down from my room! C'mon follow me!" They said, leading me through the campus halls. About five minutes later we arrived at my door. "Here we are!" They said smiling. "Oh my Irene, thank you." I said, they hugged me slightly. "Anything for my best friend!" They said, as I un-locked my door. We both walked in and (Y/N) set down the boxes that they had grabbed, and I did the same. I looked around the room amazed by how big it was. "Wow.... I never realized how big these rooms were this big, or nice!" I said shocked. "Heh, yeah nor did I when I first arrived here, but hey, it's better than it being Harry Potter's closet room!" They said. I laughed. "Yeah, your right!" I said. "Well I have to get back to my room, they said that they would be dropping off my schedule in a few minutes. If you need help unpacking later just come knock on my door, I'll gladly come and help." They said, I smiled at them. "Thanks (Y/N), I'm glad I ran into you!" I said. "Y'know, I am too." They said, before we waved to each other as they left.

~~~|Time Skip|~~~

Your POV:

I turned on my laptop, and plugged in one of my headphones into one ear, and began watching (Favourite/Show) on Netflix. I was enjoying my Netflix, until I heard a crash. "What the!?" I yelled, confused, I quickly put on an over coat and some slippers and walked out of my room, seeing the only light that was on was Aaron's room light. I knocked on his door, but there wasn't any response right away. I thought he must have fallen asleep, so I turned to walk back to my room, until the door opened and Aaron fell out of the door, on top of me. I blushed like a mad man. "Uhhh...." I said. "O-oh my! I'm sorry (Y/N)!" He said, standing up, pulling me up with him. "Uhh... so, what's up?" Aaron ask, blushing slightly, as he scratched the back of his neck. "Um... I c-came to ask you if you knew what that loud crash was?" I asked, and he stood there puzzled. "Loud crash? No can't say I have... are you feeling okay?" He asked. "Yeah... yeah I am... it must've been on my show.... sorry Aaron.... good night." I said, turning on my heel. "Good night.... ?" He said, well more like asked, but I continued on my way. I walked into my room, only to find that my window was broken, and by broken, I mean shattered,  and by shattered I mean, there was no window left, just glass on the floor. "What the heck!?" I screeched. Sure enough, there was a werewolf in my room, and he was wearing a cloak and stuff over his ears and tail. "Who the heck are you!?" I shouted. "Huh??" He asked. "Who in Irene's name are you, and why are you in my room!?" I yelled again. "UAH!!" He yelled, trying to scramble away from me, only to run into my closet. Then, guess who runs in? Aaron. "(Y/N)?? What was all th-.... what happened to your window!?" He asked, rather loudly. "Look in the closet, it'll explain everything." I said. Aaron, being the silly little muffin he is, looked at me confused, but complied. When he opened the door to the closet the werewolf coward in the corner. "Da heck." He said plainly, the werewolf instantly bowed, and said. "Alpha! Forgive me!" He said. "Hah! Alpha, that name still dies hard huh Aaron?" I asked, he looked at me and groaned. "Who are you?" He asked looking at the werewolf. "Alpha! It's me, Fen-." He began, but then a random dude walked in through my broken window. He had fluffy brown hair, pale blue eyes, and a nice-ish smile. "Hey! Get out of here!! No ones allowed to break into bedrooms!!" He shouted, chasing the werewolf out, before shouting again. "Unless it's me!" I chuckled at that, before I remembered that I now had a huge hole in my wall. "Uhh.... hey Aaron?" I asked, he turned to me. "Hmm?" "Would you mind walking down to the office with me?" I asked. "Sure." He said, I smiled, and we began walking down to the office. Once there I knocked politely on the door. "Uh.... excuse me?" I asked, walking in with Aaron trailing behind me. "Yes? How may I help you (Miss/Mr.)?" Asked the front desk lady. "Um, a werewolf broke down the window in my room, is there anyways I could get it replaced?" I asked. "Oh dear, of course, don't worry we have werewolf insurance." She said. "Thank you, so much, when should it be fixed?" I asked. "Sometime tomorrow." She said, I sighed, but composed myself. "Thank you miss. Good night." I said, she nodded as me and Aaron walked back, as we were walking, it was silent, that is, until I said something. "Hey Aaron..?" I asked. "Yeah?" "Would you mind if I stayed with you tonight? It'll be like old times, when we used to have our sleepovers!" I said, feeling my face heat up slightly. "Umm, s-sure! That'll be nice.... just like old times..." he said. I smiled, as we soon arrived at his room. We both walked in after he unlocked the door. "You can take my bed, I'll sleep on the couch." He said, plainly. I crawled onto the bed, and flopped slightly, then he walk over to the couch and turned off the light. The room went dark, and I rolled onto my back, staring at the ceiling. I heard faint grumbling, and I looked over at Aaron. "Pssst...." He lifted his head slightly but then set it back down. "Pssst..." he rolled over facing me, but his eyes were still closed, I frowned at that. "Pssst.." he peaked open an eye, but closed it almost immediately. I sighed with frustration. "PSSST." His eyes shot open. "What???" He whispered over to me. "Aaron! There no need to sleep on the couch y'know, there's plenty of room up here on the bed, 'sides, its probably way comfier." I whispered back, his face started to turn a shade of red. "N-no, I don't want to make things awkward.." he whispered back. "Nonsense, get up here you big woose." I whispered again. He grumbled, as if he were debating whether he was going to or not, but nonetheless, he got up, and plopped onto the bed beside me. I smiled. "There! Much better." I whispered over to him, he blushed more, but just sighed. "Why am I friends with you?" He asked, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Because you love me." I retorted snuggling into his chest. He sighed. "Shut up and go to sleep you sly cat...." he mumbled. "But I'm not a Me'fwa, and besides, the feelings mutual. My over grown puppy." I said, smiling, and I knew he was smiling back. "G'night, (Y/N)." He said, kissing my forehead. "G'night Arron." I said, kissing his cheek. Soon enough we fell asleep, and we stayed like this for the rest of the night.

(A/N: Hello everyone! Here's this part! Hope you enjoyed, also I'm thinking about making the last three on my list, ending cute and sweet like this.... anyways! This part was requested by: Anonymous.... Hope it's what you wanted!! Anyways, thanks for reading guys! And I'll see you all in the next part! Chow!!!)

Up next: MyStreet Zane x Flirty! Reader

Word count: 1619

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