You sigh, taking a sip of your drink, and look across the room at the time. He still wasn't here, you can't help but feel used, like you were the butt of some stupid joke, you weren't surprised. He was known for doing this, and him being your best friend, you know everything there is to know about the boy.
You liked him, a lot, you had for the longest time. You knew exactly how he was, but he had somehow convinced you that it was going to be different this time, that you mattered more than the other girls ever did. Of course, that was his famous line, "you're different than all the other girls, I like you, I don't like them."
You grab your bag and walk out of the little coffee shop you two always went too together. You try to think of some reasons as to why he wouldn't show up, family emergency? No, he would've called you. He got lost? Hah, not possible, he showed you that coffee shop. Rehearsal ran late? That's a good excuse right? You sigh, shaking your head and walking down the street, passing by all these happy couples, holding hands and being cute.
You get home and change into leggings and one of his sweaters, putting on some uggs and throwing your hair into a messy bun. You lay across your couch, staring aimlessly at the t.v. You weren't really paying attention, your mind was wondering elsewhere.
You were brought back to reality when the doorbell rang, you looked at the time, 2:AM, who could possibly be here at 2:AM, and what could be so important that they RANG THE DOORBELL. You inwardly sigh and trudge your way to the door.
You open the door to find Tae standing there, soaking wet from the rain, running his fingers through his drenched hair. He looks at you, an apologetic look on his face, you roll your eyes and grab his hand, dragging him inside. Even if he didn't show up at all as your "date," he was still your "best friend." He nods his head in thanks and shows himself to the bathroom.
He walks out a half hour later, fully clothed and dry. He smiles a little and sits down next to you on the couch. "Nice sweater," he says and you hear the smirk in his voice, you ignore him. Even if he's your best friend, you were still mad he stood you up.
"Aww c'mon y/n, don't be like that, rehearsal ran late today, and then I told the guys I had to go cause you were waiting bu-," he started but you cut him off.
"Whatever Tae, I don't want to hear the excuse." you said, and sighed. You could feel him staring at you, you wanted to stare at him too, but you didn't. You kept your gaze on the t.v. You felt him move around a bit before you felt his head in your lap, and he started playing with your fingers.
"I'm sorry," he said and you shrugged.
"Please forgive meeeeee?" he said, dragging out the word, he sounded like a child. The hint of a smile touched your lips and he shot up, arms in the air.
"YES SHE FORGIVES ME!" he yelled and you laughed, grabbing at his arms to keep them down and shushing him.
"You're going to wake up the neighbors!"