Ineffable meaning: too great to be expressed in words.
--------------------------------You follow Taehyung, helplessly as he leads you to god only knows where. But you habe to place your trudt in him, seeing as he is your ride home. And because, youd be hopelessly lost, not knowing your way around this area. "We're almost there," he grumbles in annoyance as you quirk an eyebrow at him.
"Fuck, calm down y/n, I'm not going to murder you," he says and you start to breathe a little easier, visibly calming down, until you realize thats exactly what a murder would say. Your eyes widen and he stops dead in his tracks.
Bursting into a fit of laughter.
"Y-you're f-fac-ce!"
"Fuck you Kim Taehyung!"
"Maybe later."
You were about to retort back to the boy but he turned back around, walking, you could feel the smirk on his face as you both continued on in silence. He stopped suddenly. Turning around, "close your eyes," he states. You squint at him, giving him a warning look. He holds up his hands in defense and you sigh.
You close your eyes and feel him grab your hand. He leads you forward a few steps' "Alright, stop walking," he whispers and you stop. He lets go of your hand and you open your eyes. "We're hereb" he whispers, his arms outstretched.
Breathtakingly beautiful was an understatement. You were speechless.
The starry sky stretched out as far as the eye could see; the city lights glittered and danced in the distance. The area was slightly enclosed, bushes, trees and heavy undergrowth surround the opening, creating a kind of arc. Not to mention when you look up theres an opening in the trees where you can see the stars.
The stars danced and twinkled, tears began to fill your eyes, you looked over at Taehyung, bathed in moonlight, his arms still slightly outstretched, eyes closed; a gentle smile resting on his pleasnt features. "Ineffable," you whisper and his eyes open. He looks over at you and nods, the gentle smile still there.
"Thank you."