Sneak Peek😱

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Alrighty guys, this is a sneak peek to my Fandoms Unite picture I'm making. It's gonna be awesome and I'm so excited to finish it!


There is a teensy tiny issue

I am missing a Marvel symbol


I'll figure out how to put it in... Somehow☝🏼

Ok, so the fandoms pictured are:
Elven scripture- Lord of the Rings
Arrow- The Hunger Games
Birds- Divergent
Seraph Blade- The Mortal Instruments
Light Saber- Star Wars
Wicked Is Good banner- The Maze Runner
Trident- Percy Jackson

Which all make up...... The Deathly Hallow symbol!!! Yaaay

Art tip (provided by Animal_Saver )

"As for the art tip, I recommend putting notes next to your art after you finished, include what you like and what you need to improve on, make sure to also jot down any ideas for next time like a different colour or medium. Or if you think your art is pretty much how you want it write down how you could make it more challenging!"

Thanks so much for sharing your art tip! If anyone has ideas for more please comment or p/m me! I am always open to suggestions😘

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