Patience My Friend

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NOTE: The East Inn in the story comes from my imagination. If it actually is a hotel chain, I apologize if I get any information about it wrong. Okay, happy reading!


The East Inn. It's the only hotel in town, so it would only make sense that my soulmate's hockey team would have stayed there if they haven't gone home yet. It looked like my journey started here. It was a beautiful hotel, to say the least. It was at least twenty stories high with a beautiful fountain in front. I hadn't been here in years though. The only thing that goes on at the East Inn for the community is the school's prom, which I'll have at the end of this school year. I could only hope my journey would go as wonderfully as the view in front of me.

As we reached the doors, a group of boys came running out laughing and being really loud. Camila and I let them go before we went in. I didn't make it very far before pain shot through my body and I collapsed to the ground.

"Violet! What's going on?"

"Necklace" I managed to croak out before I started to cry. "It's so hot" I whined.

"You know what that means. Follow me" Camila said (i.e. screeched).

I did know what it meant. It meant those were the boys we were looking for. It meant my soulmate had passed beside me. I had been at most ten feet from the guy who was meant to be with me. After my mind processed this information, I wiped my tears from my face and ran to catch up to Camila who was already following the group of boys.

They were heading towards the coffee shop across the street. The one I worked at every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Phoebe's Drinks. Phoebe was my boss, a really nice and laid back 23 year old girl. She was still in university but had taken over her mother's coffee shop three years ago. Three years ago the place was always deserted and nobody knew about it and now here we are, at Phoebe's Drinks the biggest hangout in town. Everyone comes here. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights are the most popular ever since Phoebe introduced open mike night. You sign up on the paper beside the stage and when it's your turn you can go up and sing between one and three songs. That's why I love the days I work the best. I have good live music while I'm working.

"Come on, Vi! Don't you want to go see mister soulmate?" Camila laughs as we get to the door.

"Oh my goodness. I'm actually going to see him. I can't believe this. What if he thinks I'm ugly and repulsive and just disgusting and-" I say but am cut off my Camila's hand over my mouth.

"Violet, you need to calm down." She laughed. "You don't even need to talk to him if you don't want to or are too shy."


"Of course!" She holds her pinky finger out. I giggle but put mine in hers anyway. "The goal for today is just to figure out what his name is. Now come on before they decide to leave."

Camila grabbed my wrist, opened the door and pulled me towards the counter. There was a short line at the counter, like there always was when school was out. Like I said before, this is a popular hangout for the teens around here. We ended up being in line right behind the group of guys. Three of them to be exact. One of those three guys was my soulmate and that stressed me out. A lot.

"Next" Amber, the girl working the cash said. Amber was Phoebe's little sister, she was my age. She motioned to the three guys that it was their turn. "What can I get for you boys today?"

"Three hot chocolates, please." One of the guys said. He had brown hair, blue eyes and a muscular body. To put it simply, he was extremely hot.

"Can I get your names, please?" Amber asked them. When Phoebe opened up the shop, she was a Starbucks addict. She said she needed a part of Starbucks in her own coffee shop so she decided to write everyone's names on their orders.

"Owen" the guy said before looking over at his two friends.

"Cedric" the second guy said. Cedric was the tallest of the three guys. He had light brown hair and bluish-green eyes. He was also super attractive.

"Chip" the shortest guy said. He had brown hair and hazel eyes. Chip was as attractive as his two friends.

Seeing these three guys put a smile to my face because I knew that whoever I ended up with would at least be easy on the eyes. Those were my teenage girl hormones talking but who could blame me. I mean, look at them.


"Hello class. I hope you all had a nice long weekend." Miss Ocean said as class started Monday morning. I had yet another Love and Faith class to sit through. This class would be very pointless seeing as we were currently learning about the history of the necklace and I had already narrowed down my soulmate to one of three guys. Three extremely good looking guys, might I add.

I waited until the bell rang signaling the end of class to go talk to Miss Ocean privately.

"Miss Ocean?" I said walking towards her desk.

"What can I do for you, my dear?" She smiled. That was the thing about Miss Ocean; she was always smiling.

"My necklace activated Thursday." I informed her.

"That's wonderful, Violet. This is pretty big news. You're the first in this class to have their necklace activated. Do you know who it is?"

"That's the problem. Camila and I spent all day Thursday trying to figure it out and we narrowed it down to three guys. But I don't know who it is and how to figure out which one it is." I frown.

"All you need to do is be patient. We are dealing with fate here. If it's meant to be, it'll happen."

"You're right. Patience is key." I giggle.

"You're lucky because in this case, you two are actually meant to be so don't you worry. You will see this boy again."


This isn't very long, well it's over 1000 words but still. The next chapter should be longer. I expect to have the next update up by the end of 2014.

I'm really sorry for all the long waits that I put you all through. If you're still reading my story, thank you so much! It means a lot to me and I love you all!

Notice the picture which is Owen (Zac Efron).

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