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Thank you for reading this story. I really appreciate it. Feel free to comment. I promise not to cry. ;) The above piece of music is called "The World is Beautiful" by Marcus Warner. It kind of fits. Enjoy it!

Anne woke up with a start and sat up, panting uncontrollably. She was disoriented and her stomach felt like it had been vigorously stirred. Not to mention the blinding light. She couldn't see a thing, nor could she hear for the ringing in her ears. She struggled to move but her legs felt like jelly. Someone placed a hand on her shoulder, sending her in panic.

"Anne, relax. Just breathe and open your eyes slowly."

Anne recognized the voice. It was Michelle. Anne blinked several times before her eyes adjusted to the light and her vision cleared. Indeed, Michelle was kneeling before her with a worried look on her face. She smiled when she saw the look of recognition in her eyes.

"Yes, it is me. Just take deep breaths and you'll feel better in no time."

Anne inhaled and exhaled. Then she inhaled again. The air smelled so good...too good, and it...tasted even better. Her lungs felt pampered and relaxed with each breath she took. She was calm in a matter of moments. An exhale escaped her lips and she smiled with a stretch.

"What a night. Have you come to hitch a ride with me to school?" she lazily asked.

Anne lowered herself to lie back down. She felt ground and leaves.


Her fingers felt for her bed sheets and instead felt nothing but smooth, moist leaves spread out under her like a mattress. That was when she felt the warm sun on her face and the gentle breeze caressing her skin. Sounds filled her ears; sounds she was not used to hearing in the morning when she woke up. She heard birds chirping each in their own pitch and rhythm, but somehow they all managed to mix well together in a wonderful melody. She heard water bubbling nearby in such a cheery manner that Anne was almost sure she heard it say 'good morning'. Then she finally looked around and saw trees; beautiful and majestic trees that when shrouded in darkness would not instill fear but rather give one a sense of security. She saw grass so green that she felt she was in a painting and when she reached out to touch it, it felt nice and soft, like a cushion, inviting her to lie down and enjoy the comfort a little. Her eyes widened as she took all this in in silent wonder. She had a strange feeling of déjà vu. She felt like she knew this place; like she had been here before; like she and this place were one; like it was here just for her.

Confused, she turned to her friend and found an even bigger surprise. Michelle wore her hair in a pretty afro, decorated with beads and shells. Her dress was beautiful in its simplicity, and very functional. She wore sandals firmly strapped to her feet and had matching bracelets and anklets. Anne saw the wisdom and self confidence shining through her eyes and felt a surge of respect for the woman, for yes, she was no mere girl, but a woman. She stared at her and knew who it was that was kneeling before her.

"Chelle?" she asked in disbelief.

Chelle nodded with a smile. Then without warning, she grabbed a cup of water and splashed it in Anne's face.

"Hey! What was that for?" Anne demanded as she rubbed her face dry. 

A spark of anger flickered within her for the sudden memory of her humiliation that was invoked by that action. But she doused the spark and pushed the memory to the back of her mind. Some things were just not worth remembering.

The advisor just shrugged with a grin. 

"My apologies, writer, but that was just in case you thought this was a dream."

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