I call Arleen but no use she doesn't pick up, I try one more time And she still doesn't pick up so I decided to just walk there since I forgot to bring any money I can't call a taxi "it can't be so far, I'm gonna kill that Louis" I whispered to myself angrily.
I walked and walked "what the hell where am I?"
I called Arleen again it rings and rings and guess what? she doesn't pick up.
"Shit" I cursed in annoyance. She needs a slap on the face with a steel chair right now; I bet she's reading that shit on her phone.
I walked for a couple of minutes and my phone started to ring.
"Hello" I answered as quickly as I could without looking at the number.
"Hey are you gonna keep on walking, All the way there?" A familiar voice said at the same time a red car pulled over next to me, I freaked out like am I being followed by a vampire perhaps? That nightmare is true somebody killed Mrs. Collins and they are murdering ME NOW. Oh my god! WHAT SHOULD I DO? All of those thoughts mess around in my head even thought I'm acting cool on the outside
"Get in the car or..." he said.
"Who is this?" I said hesitated.
I walk slowly towards the car, looking for the sharpest thing in my pockets, all I found were some keys that's the sharpest thing I found and I took them out, the window opens and when I was about to throw the keys on his or her eyes, I see Niall in the car.
"You shouldn't talk to strangers" he laughed as he got out of the car and walked towards me.
Thank God, I'm so happy at the moment."Niall!" I screamed as I ran towards him and jumped into his arms.
A few seconds past and I realized that I was seriously hugging a guy that I just met yesterday so I backed away slowly.
"Uh I-I'm sorry I was just..." I apologized looking at the ground trying not to look at his perfect blue eyes.
"Its okay" he said as his face turned red and ran his fingers in his blonde hair.
We walked towards the car awkwardly, he opened for me the door of the car (isn't that cute?) I went into the car put on my seat belt, Niall closed the door and went into the driver seat and started the engine.
"What happened?" He asked. Confused.
"Well I just thought that you're a murderer" I giggled.
"Come on, do I look that bad?" he said laughing
"No, no you're cute"
"So you think that I'm cute?" he had a conceited smile on.
"No I didn't say, I don't mean that your cute, wait I mean your cute but not cute you know" I started to hesitate as my face turned red.
"Aha just relax I was just messing around but really what happened?" he asked as his tone started getting serious.
"Actually I don't know too, I was going with my friend then when we started talking he suddenly remembered this thing at home And BOOM its likes his pants were on fire and I ended up walking alone In the streets, I just want to kill him"
"Who is that freak? How could he leave you in the middle of nowhere and go, at least he could've called someone to pick you up? Luckily I took the same road as he did" he stated angrily.
"Forget it, don't be bothered" I said and I started to play with my fingers.
"Just tell me" he insisted

Title of our story
FanfictionPeople say that life is about going on with the story , turning over the pages but what happens when your pages are few and you haven't reached the end ,should you just wait for the end to come or fill these few pages but before doing all of that ,k...