It was finally Friday; this was one hell of a week. I had this weird dream about Alexa, I'm calling it a dream not a nightmare because guess what? I stabbed her with a knife in my dream, oh God that would be so awesome if like a building fell on her or she gets tackled by a bean breaks her neck and dies...that's all I want. I come in peace I told you.
I wake up and before I go to the bathroom to get ready, I checked under my bed if there were any chickens, I jumped off of my bed, went to the bathroom, changed my clothes and then I went downstairs to grab some food, I drank some tea with a little yummy cupcake.
"Arleen, are you coming?" I yelled at the top of my voice.
"Yeah, yeah I'm coming" she said as she went down the stairs while putting on her shoes.
"Wow you look...Horrible" I bluntly criticized her whilst giggling.
"Thank you, Jenna. You made me feel so much better"
"Didn't you hear the part when I said horrible? Go fix your hair and go and look for the same pairs of shoes. Didn't you realize that you're wearing different pairs of shoes?" I pointed at her feet as I took a deep breath after I finished what I said.
"What?!" she started to check herself out then sighed.
"You know what I'll go alone and you come with your car ok?" I suggested
"Okay" she agreed as she stomped back upstairs.
"Bye, Arleen"
I left the house, walked towards my car, I unlocked the car and then I started the engine. After a while I realized I didn't put my seatbelt on and there was this officer who was glaring at me I didn't know what he meant until he started signaling his hands at me to put on my seatbelt. Thank god he didn't pull me over.
When I arrived to school, I found Harry standing alone, he looks pretty gloomy, and I went towards him...As soon as he saw me he turned to the other side not wanting me to see him.
"Hey...are you okay?" I ask worried, I put my arm on his back trying to comfort him.
"Yeah, I'm fine"
"Whatever it is, just forget it. By the way I had a lot of fun yesterday" I tried to change the subject but didn't work.
"Me too, I have physics now I have to go, me and Niall skipped our first two lessons, I don't want to skip this one too." And then as he was about to leave I spoke as load as I could so he could stop.
"Hey! I have physics too...Let's go together"
Harry just nodded and we both walked silently to class.
Niall and some other students were already in class when we got there. I took my seat in front of Niall "hey" he greeted with a smile on his face.Omg look at that smile ,look how adorable he is ...ok stop jenna stop. I whisper to my self
"Hi" I greeted back as soon as I was going to ask how was he; Arleen and the teacher came in. Why does she walk in at the same time as the teacher? Maybe it's just bad timing for her.
"Good morning" the physics teacher said as he put his bag on the table.
"I believe I gave you a homework yesterday take it out I'll check it now" he demanded.
Oh my god, I didn't do the homework. I completely forgot about it.
I didn't know what excuse I should say. So the first thing that popped into my head which could be the worst excuse in all history.
"Well yeah...about that um...My cat died........ Fine but I swear I was busy" I held
"Get out" The teacher pointed at the door.
"Who didn't do the home work stand up" he added as I stood up from my seat and left the room.
Well since half of the class was skipping, yeah half of the people in class that didn't skip were out because of the homework. You could say there was about 5 or 6 students in there.
"Go to the principal's office" he ordered
Is he serious? All of this happened because of a stupid homework? What has society come to? It was me; Niall, Arleen, Harry and another girl named Sarah were all heading to the principal's office.
They leave us there for 2 whole lessons and then the principle comes and decides to punish us in the worst way possible. no he doesn't give us detention. He called our parents all of that because we didn't do the home work. After the worst case scenario of the day the bell rang for lunch. And we barely studied since we were at the principal's office the whole 2 lessons.
We went to the cafeteria and took a seat in our usual spot. You can see that Harry is in a whole other world, with no expression on his face like. He killed somebody or something.
We were all freaking out about what our parents would do I mean Mrs. Collins would be so disappointed, we all ate our food in silence like zombies. The only difference is that we had normal skin not green slimy skin and clothes that aren't ripped. They should seriously cast us for the new season of Walking Dead.
Anyway time passed through the last lessons, it was home time and I noticed that I didn't see Louis today he didn't come today.should i be worried ?
I went out and I spotted Harry sitting under a tree alone, I decided to go and ask him what the hell is going on. The whole day he was depressed.
"Hey, what's wrong? Come on tell me" I kept annoying him until he finally replied.
"I get freaking bullied okay?! Are you happy now?" he yelled with all his anger.
You can see the sadness in his eyes when he turned to face me you can see the sadness through those green amazing eyes of his. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him; I wanted to hug him so bad.
I just stood there in silence regretting what I just said so badly. Not knowing what to say he stood up took his motor bike and went home which is not far, I should've told him that I was sorry.
I just decided to go home am so tired and confused. Poor, Harry.
I went walked towards my car, opened the door, I went in and then closed the door started the engine drove home and this time I remembered to put the seatbelt on. When I reached the house I walked in and saw a man sitting with Mrs. Collins so I decided not to interrupt and go to my room then she called me.
"Jenna, come here honey" she shouted out and I walked to her as soon as possible. She looked weird, I never seen her make that face expression before.
"Is this you Jenna?" A man said that was sitting with Mrs. Collins
"Hi and you are Mr.?" I tilted my head to the side a little bit confused at what was going on.
"I'm your father, Jenna"
"What!" I shouted in shock as I dropped my bag on the floor.

Title of our story
FanficPeople say that life is about going on with the story , turning over the pages but what happens when your pages are few and you haven't reached the end ,should you just wait for the end to come or fill these few pages but before doing all of that ,k...