White Teeth! The Cheap Way

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We all want white teeth but who wants to spend all that money on teeth whitening kits? And spend 45 minutes with a tray on your mouth? Come on, where college students! We don't have time or money for that. So here are some of my tips to whiten the quick, cheap and easy way, with supplies that can easily be found and bought for a low cost.
Hydrogen Peroxide
This is a technique that is gentle enough to use daily if you would like. Simply swish your mouth with hydrogen peroxide before and/or after brushing your teeth! Baking Soda Method
Put a little bit of baking soda on your toothbrush and "brush" your teeth with it. It tastes awful but is really effective. You can also combine baking soda with peroxide on your toothbrush for even whiter teeth.
Strawberry Tip
Strawberries are great for whitening your teeth. Simply take  a strawberry and rub it against your teeth with the skin side outwards. To take this method even further mash up strawberries in a bowl and then add some baking soda. Once again "brush" your teeth with the paste! Don't do this more than once a week! The acid that whitens your teeth is not great for your enamel.
Olive Oil Technique
Dip the corner of a washcloth into some olive oil and rub your teeth with it, repeat a few times, you will be able to see a difference immediately. Once again don't do this more on than once a week to preserve your enamel.

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