My brew tasted even worse this morning. Maybe it was my mindset, or just the shitty-as-usual London skyline, the rain giving it a clinical and dark feel. "Shit," I thought, "My cashmere jacket will be fucked in this weather," I altered my long coat to accommodate for the bulge of my concealed weapon, ever since the attack it has been mandatory for us all. I fished my keys out the bowl, open my shitty old door, and stepped onto the landing. They'd of thought, that after saving all you colleges with no previous training from a terrorist would've given a more rewarding future than a shit old apartment, a bottle of wine and a promotion. But this case should give more. That's if, I can fucking pull myself to get out of bed or I might just shoot myself. Fuck, I forgot my umbrella.
I have one tip for you, don't wear oxfords on a rainy day. The gravel kicks up and gets stuck in the minuscule amount of tread on the soles. Well the rain, that just loosens up the rubber. Also, cashmere completely gets fucked up by even the slightest of water molecules even oxygen crinkles the thing to shit. The dull skyline never changes, every day it's the same old. Grime covered walls, dank pavements, waxed up windows all along the boulevard, even the Thames looks shitty. Not the hottest and brightest day in England could make this place look better. I'm not surprised, it seems ever roof top has smoke billowing out of it, the distant echo of sirens adding to the carbon emissions and other shit that billows out from every fucking corner down every fucking road. It never seems to stop. All through the night the blues flash through my broken blinds and wake me up, well I never sleep.
The place I feel most secure isn't my home, it's the bloody station I work at, tucked away in the corner of the shittiest district in the whole of London. We have barriers up 24/7 because the kids in our area always want to smash up the, "Fucking Pigs!!" We have to respond to every suspected weapon case in the city, because we are the ones smart enough to open carry guns on every officer and even a, how do I put it, mild armory. Upon stepping through the doors, no one evn batted an eyelid. I walked up to my office door, nudged it open with my foot and perched on my squeaky chair. You can't lean back in this thing, I tried it once, my back hurt for weeks. I could barely even lift my arms to turn on my computer before private ran into the room and threw a closed folder at me. I stood up and yelled,"What have I told you before, knock before you enter you stupid cunt" He turned on his heels and walked out. I opened the folder and who stared back at me. Chilled me to my rotten core.
Paranormal\/-----This book deals with mild under-lying themes of mental disorders and murder-----\/ The story revolves around a boy who lives both in the real world and in fantasy. The book will be a work in progress for a while but I hope you enjoy. Bedoobi...