Chapter 1

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Josh's POV

*It was a long day after practicing the drums*

Holy shit.. my stomach is yelling up a storm... I better get some food...

*Josh walked up to a pretzel stand, and was standing behind this guy that was taking FOREVER to order ONE pretzel*

"Umm, excuse me sir, but your holding up a line of people..." I said in a shy tone. The man in front of me turned around like whiplash and yelled, " I will take my damn time to order this pretzel. I suggest you leave me and my hungry belly ALONE!" He seemed very angry. I mean it makes sense.. he literally looked like a biker. He had huge muscles with a long-sleeved tattoo on both arms. I mean he was a pretty tough looking guy.

OMG this guy has been standing here forever! I wouldn't be surprised if someone from a mile away heard my stomach growls!

*A guy behind Josh taps him on the shoulder*

"Man, he is taking forever, isn't he?" The strange man said. "Yea, but I can't do m-much about it.." I manage to get out without dying on the inside. This guy was literally hot as fuck. Something about him tells me this won't be the last thing I see of him. Those dreamy brown eyes, that soft; silky-looking skin, those perfect eyebrows. Yea he was perfect, I might even consider going gay for him. "Um hello? Earth to kid holding the line up." The hot guy told me while tapping my shoulder. "OMG! I am so sorry.. I was just spacing out.." I said in a rush. I pulled out my money as ordering an extra salty soft pretzel with a sweet tea on the side. I went to sit down on the nearest bench. Then the hot guy came over to my seat.

"Hey dude. I know what you were spacing out about." He said in a gentle tone while sitting down with his Pepsi and hot dog. "I-I-I can explain-n I swear!" My heart leaped out of my chest. I also could feel my face light up with the dark pink blush. "No need to. People space out on my a lot. Just.. you um.." I cut him off by finishing his sentence with, "The first guy, yea I kinda would have assumed." The hot guy put his hand behind his head, rubbing it while saying, " Yea.. it is ok though. I um.. think you are hot." He said that last bit so quietly, I wasn't sure how I managed to hear it. "So um.. do you care to walk around a little?" I said casually. Luckily he agreed.

We kinda got on a weird topic of what it would be like to have hot dogs rule the earth, and to make every ocean into milkshakes. We laughed a lot for hours that day. We didn't even know each other's names yet. The sun was starting to set, so we started wrapping up our conversation. "Yea man, I would TOTALLY love to jump into an ocean filled with milkshake waves." He said while chuckling. "Hey.." I said hesitantly, "W-what is your.. umm.." I couldn't finish the sentence before he said, "I'm Tyler. Tyler Joseph."

A/N: I really hope you liked this so far! This is my first fan fiction, and I am really starting to like it. I have really interesting thoughts about what the future might hold for this story! Please leave feed back on how much you like it and I am sure I will get back to this story in less than a week! Love you all so much!! And thank you a lot for reading this! P.S. sorry for this being short, I just thought it would make a good first chapter.

Josh and Tyler's Pretzel (A Joshler story)Where stories live. Discover now