The Pull Of The Pan-Chapter 32

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Brooklyns POV:

"Michi! It is you!"

I ran to my sister and gave her a huge hug.

"Brooklyn! Michi missed you!"

"I missed you too, Michi!"

Michi smiled.

Trevor cleared his throat.

"Less address this situation, please?"

He said. 

His face was emotionless.

I sadly dropped my tail.


Trevor narrowed his eyes at Michi.

"Well Michi saw Zenix harassing Brooklyn. When he took the picture Michi knew he was trying to get Michi jealous. Michi ran to the lobby of the resort and asked to see the security cameras. They let Michi bring one over to show you."

Michi handed Trevor the footage.


Trevor said after the video ended.

"I'm so sorry..."

He said to me.

"Trevor... It's alright..."

I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek.


A voice screamed from behind us.

We turned around and saw the whole gang there but it was Ana Panda who screamed.

Ana Panda ran over and sprang at zenix.

Zane and Ethan ran over but didn't get her back in time when Ana Panda hit Zenix with her frying pan.


I would usually stop her but this made me happy.


Ethan yelled.


I smiled, heartwarmed.

Trevor walked over and gave her a high five.

"Zenix... I cant believe you!!"

Sasha cried.

Zenix got up slowly and limped over.

"Sasha, I swear I didn't, it was-"

"It was who, Zenix?"

A voice from behind us said.

I turned around.


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