My life with One Direction

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Okaayyyy so this is my new story. I know things might seem a little boring in the first chapter but trust me the story gets more romantic and playfull towards the second chapter.

If you are a directioner please give this story a try, I promise you will like it.

Chapter  1

“Are you done packing Miss Tomlinson?”

“Uhh..not really. Give me another minute or two.”  I replied, stuffing my fifth last jeans into my Louis Vuitton bag.

“Oh and David can you please just call me Leila.” I insisted for the tenth time since our meeting.

The old man’s eyebrows knitted together indicating his displeasure with my suggestion. He clearly was too professional to call me by my first name. My mother had probably scared the living shit out of this poor old man. I bet he thinks I am just like my mother.

Just that thought started to bother me. I wanted to be nothing like my mother. Being associated to her seemed like an embarrassment to me. The thought of being compared to her boiled my blood.

I packed my last piece of clothing into my bag and zipped it up completely. I looked around my room and gave it one final look before saying good bye forever.

Today was my last day in St Paul boarding school. Today, I was going back to place others would call home. Today, I was going to see my uptight mother, jolly father and my celebrity brother.

I bet the word “celebrity brother” caught your attention. Well, let’s see I was Leila Tomilson, the younger sibling of Louis Tomilson, the boy from the famous band One Direction.

Yes I know some would think I am the luckiest girl in the world to be associated with Louis Tomilson. But the truth is, I am nowhere near lucky. Don’t get me wrong I love my brother and I know he loves me back. However, unintentionally his popularity ruined my life at home and at school.

He was always the star kid. The one with the talent. I on the other hand, was the moody little bitch. At home I was treated as useless shit for years. While my brother was participating in singing contests and gaining popularity, I was busy doing nothing with my life. Clearly, my mother was not happy with one talented child and forced me into various things such as modeling.

Being the defiant and rebellious girl, I straight up refused.

Since then she threw me away in some private boarding school filled with rich snobs. When I got here people instantly knew I was related to Louis Tomilson the famous guy from One Direction. Over the years as my brothers band got popular, stupid bimbos brought their fake faces and begged me to introduce them. There wasn’t a single girl in this school who I could be friends with. They were all obsessed with the stupid band my brother played in. Some girls asked me to introduce them to all the other band members. But the truth was I myself had never met any of the band members. When One Direction started I was busy stuck in this boarding school. Therefore, the truth is I have never seen Zayne, Harry, Liam and Niall.

For the past four years I have talked to my mother exactly four times. Those four times were due to all the unfortunate suspension I was involved in.

Last week was one of those unfortunate events. I vandalized the schools music room and got caught. Since I already had three suspensions, my last activity got me expelled.

So here I was packing away to return “home.”

My mother sent our personal driver to drive me home. Of course she wouldn’t just let my fly, she had to send our personal driver and make me sit in a damn limo for fifteen hours.

My life with One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now