You and Carl get in a fight but make up.

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"She's gone!" Carl yelled while putting his head in his hands. He then turned to Briar with angered eyes. "I told you to carry her to the bus but you didn't! You left Judith in that car seat and now those things took her!"

Briar just sat there shocked. Was he really blaming her on that she left Judith to die? Her whole body started to shake with anger. "Are you saying that I killed her!?!" Briar spoke loudly.

Carl looked away and punched the wall. Sending small peices of drywall in different routes, creating a dent. It scared Briar a little. She didn't care. Whines could be heard coming from Carl as he slide down the blue wall. His hat falling to the unyeilding ground underneath.

"Carl," she spoke intching closer to him.

"Go away. You left her there and now she's gone," he said putting his head into his knees. "You killed her."

Briar stopped and clenched her fists, her fingernails increasing to the color of crimson. She didn't say anything expect for exit out the room and head downstairs to where Rick was. Tears breaking out and running down her cheek.

Rick looked into Briar's direction as she slipped into the nearest room. Landing softly on the bed, she dug her head into the pillow and left the tears flow. How mad Carl made her. She didn't kill Judith, Lizzie took Judith and headed out towards the bus. But of course, Briar was blamed when Carl examined the bloody car seat that Judith disappered in. She couldn't lose Carl, or Rick. All the others were probably dead. They were all she had left, and there was no way she would let them go. They needed her.

The door creaked as if someone was closing it. Briar thought it was Rick to come in and comfort her about it, tell her it was okay, but it was Carl. His hat was placed back on top of his head and the skin surrounding his eyes grew crimson.

"Briar," he said shutting the door. His voice raspy and low.

Briar didn't speak. Her hand slide up and under her head as the other laid under the pillow. Carl moved closer to the oppsite place of the bed side and sat down staring at the wall.

"I'm sorry," he said looking down at the dusty ground.

The wind from outside blasted against the window, creating an awkward silence between the two. Every now and then a stick cracking could be heard along with the gusting wind. Probably a walker adventuring around to look for food. Flesh.

Briar could feel Carl lay down. His frame brushing up to her back. She felt Carl's hand slide along the spine in her back, shivers echoing her body. He placed his head on Briar's neck and kissed her jawline.

"Carl," she spoke turning her head to him.

He lifted his head and kissed the tip of your nose. "Yes?" he responded. His blue orbs looking into you're green ones.

"I didn't take Judith.......Lizzie did," she said getting cut off by Carl.

His lips planted to hers, sending goosebumps traveling along her arms and legs. He was so perfect, the way he does things. She kissed back and felt his hand slide along your cheek.

"It's fine now. She's fine now," he mumbled breaking away from the kiss.

She smiled and turned her head to look at the plain white wall. Carl’s breath skimming the hem of your ear.

"You're perfect," he whispered.

An even wider smile planted on her face as she responded back, "I love you, Carl."

He laughed and kissed her on the cheek. Her eyes sparkling as Carl began to hover over her. His head bending down and planting a kiss on the tip of her nose. The sherriff hat skimming her hair.

"I adore you, Briar."

*I hope you enjoyed this one. It was the first time doing an imagine like this. I'll promise I'll get better at it!*

Special thanks to: xChandlerGrimesx

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