Movie Night

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"Tooru, for the last time, I'm not watching some old Disney movie."
"But Iwa-chan, . . ."
"No, and that's final, Shittykawa."
"So mean, Iwa-chan!"
"Just shut up and pick a GOOD movie this time, we watched a Disney movie last time, remember?"
"Mm, fine." Said Oikawa.
This had continued ever since Iwauzumi and Oikawa started dating. Every other week on a Thursday, the two would have a movie night with popcorn and chips and watch a movie together. Sometimes, if Iwaizumi felt extra generous, they would go to the theater to see a new movie, but for the past month or two, They've been focusing more on the classics, and by they, I mean Iwaizumi.
"How about Toy Story?" Asked Oikawa.
Iwaizumi was starting to get pissed off and furrowed his brow and glared at the boy.
"What," he asked," Its Pixar, not Disney!"
"Oikawa, it was released by Disney!" Explained an exasperated Iwaizumi.
"Uggh, fine Iwa-chan, you win! How about YOU pick the movie this time!?" Oikawa said As he threw the movie box at Iwaizumi.He cursed under his breath, but was slightly pleased that he got to pick the movie now instead of Tooru. He finally settled on Christmas
Vacation even though it was the middle
of July and it was 85 degrees outside. Even in the heat, Oikawa somehow
Managed to get under the warm blanket on the couch as Iwaizumi popped the popcorn and slid the disc into the player. When the popcorn had finally finished, all of the boring old previews had passed and the movie had begun. Iwaizumi settled onto the couch and let Oikawa snuggle into his side. Even though they had their little skirmishes such as picking a movie for god's sake, both boys loved each other deeply. And, although Iwaizumi hated to admit it, he loved when Oikawa would cuddle him absentmindedly or call out his infamous 'Iwa-chan' line to him at school and at volleyball practice. He loved the way that he could always find a way to inspire the team to play and the way that he could easily help their kouhais with receiving and serving during practices. But most of all, Iwaizumi would never get over his beautiful face and how it glowed when he saw him. Iwaizumi knew that Oikawa flirted with all the girls at the school but as soon as he would lay eyes on Iwaizumi, the girls didn't stand a chance. Sometimes, like during practice or out on the streets, it would be a bit embarrassing when Oikawa would fawn over him and shower him with affection. He blushed at the thought of it and looked down at his lap where a mop of tawny brown hair lay quietly resting. He heard a slight snore and realized that Tooru had fallen asleep on Iwaizumi's lap. Iwaizumi felt his cheeks get hot as well as his ears as he began to blush furiously. What the hell! He thought. I'm the strong one, I'm not supposed to blush! He started to run his fingers through Oikawa's hair and admired the amazing softness of it. He slowly draped his arm around Tooru and rubbed his back, earning a soft groan as Tooru slowly began to groggily shift his position on the couch (and Iwaizumi's lap).
"Iwa-chan, did I fall asleep again?" Oikawa asked with a yawn.
"Uh-um yeah, you did, b-but it's okay you don't need to feel bad about it." Why the hell am I stuttering!? Stop stuttering you stupid idiot, He thought. But try as he might, there was no way he could have possibly stopped the growing blush on his face as he saw a sleepy Tooru looking up at him from his lap. Now, Oikawa is an idiot, that's understandable, but he knew that his boyfriend wasn't just red because it was hot outside.
"Oh, okay . . . Hajime."he said with a sleepy smile. He knew that when he used Iwaizumi's first name, that he would get flustered so he rarely passed up a chance to use it. And Iwaizumi recognised that small, sly grin and could easily figure out what Oikawa's antics were. Two can play that game, he figured.
" Oh it's fine Tooru, I didn't mean to wake you, you can go back to sleep now." He said while trying to sound disinterested.
"Aww, but Iwa-chan, I can't sleep!" Replied Oikawa groggily.
"Oh yeah," questioned Iwaizumi as he tried desperately to make himself sound annoyed instead of intrigued,      "And what would make you fall asleep?"
" A kiss" he said and looked into Iwaizumi's eyes longingly. At last, Iwaizumi was done trying to resist his boyfriend's cuteness and roughly grabbed Tooru's head and slammed their lips together. Oikawa had little time to prepare and was surprised that Iwaizumi reacted so fast. Within seconds, Oikawa slowly ran his tongue along Iwaizumi's bottom lip and the unsaid request was soon granted. As their tongues danced around one another Tooru was beginning to wake up and become more reactive to Iwaizumi's hands cautiously exploring his chest. He soon sat up and pushed Iwaizumi back against the couch and was now straddling him while the screen flashed in the background. As soon as Iwaizumi regained his composure. He began to process the situation and promptly thought: Hell  no, I am not the bottom! With this, he flipped Oikawa over and pressed him against the arm of the small couch.
He kissed him once more and both he and Oikawa felt each other slowly run out of speed as kisses began to land sloppily on the edges of each other's mouths.
"Iwa-chan?" Oikawa muttered against Iwaizumi's lips.
"Hmm?" Iwaizumi asked.
" I think I'm sleepy enough now, do you mind?"
Iwaizumi obliged and sat back up on the couch and once more allowed Tooru to cling to him as he slowly drifted back into unconsciousness.
If Tooru had been more awake, he probably would questioned or at least pondered Iwaizumi's kindness but now, he was asleep and dreaming quiet dreams. Iwaizumi looked at the untouched bowl of popcorn and  began to take larger and larger handfuls as he realized that he would be the only one to eat it tonight. He let his eyes flick back to the television and started to watch the movie once more. And before he shut his eyes and joined Oikawa in the world of dreams and sleep, he quietly wished for another movie night to be on its way.

(Sorry if this is bad, it's my first fic that I've wrote so forgive if I overuse language or don't describe things with enough detail. If you could give me tips that would be great, as I am just an aspiring writer/author.
+Sorry for the longest "one-shot" in all of existence)

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