My Heart Hurts So Good

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The mirror was dirty and grimy, but he could still see his reflection. He could see every drop of sweat and misplaced hair falling over his face. His eyes had dark smudges of fatigue underneath them, which seemed to almost compliment the tears that were leaking out beside them. He was a mess.

He gripped the sides of the sink in frustration, his knuckles turning white. He couldn't bear to see himself like this. Not when he had spent all of his high school career masquerading as this unstoppable, handsome boy. He had tried so long and so hard to keep up that image of perfection. But what did it matter, when it came crashing down like this? Pathetic, a voice said from within. His eyes flicked up to the mirror once more, taking in the horrid state that was his usually-perfect brown hair. To be taken down so easily, the voice said again, you're no king at all...

"Oikawa?" he heard a voice call. "Are you in here?"

"Y-Yes! I'll be out in a minute," he replied, hastily trying to collect himself. He turned on the sink, taking the cold water in his hands and splashing it onto his face. He massaged his eyes, trying to push away the redness from the tears. He smiled at his reflection in the mirror, practicing, preparing to face the world again. He made his way to the door of the locker room, picking up his bag along the way.

"Finally, I thought we were gonna be here all night," he heard as he pushed open the door. He turned to see Iwaizumi waiting, standing against a wall.

"Iwa-chan, you waited for me. How sweet!"

"Yeah, whatever," he replied. Oikawa didn't miss the blush that bloomed across the boy's cheeks. "Besides, you said you were coming over right? I figured I'd just drive us both." Oikawa nodded, remembering how he had agreed to hang out at his friend's- well, now his boyfriend's house. He blushed a little, remembering the night three months ago when they had both finally confessed. How liberating it felt, to finally get that off his chest. It almost didn't seem real. Maybe it isn't...

Oikawa's blood ran cold; it was that damned voice again. What if it was right, he thought for a second, What if this all some huge joke, what if-

"Hey, I was joking about staying here all night," Iwaizumi called, opening the door to the parking lot. "Come on, it's getting dark." They walked to Iwaizumi's car, starting it up and pulling out of the lot.

"What took you so long?" Iwaizumi asked, glancing over to Oikawa in the passenger seat. He was acting weird; he was always on his phone checking his messages or scrolling on Instagram. If he wasn't doing that, he was at least talking to Iwaizumi; currently, he was doing neither. He was staring out the window with his phone in his pocket, saying nothing. They had been friends for long enough for Iwaizumi to know something was up.

Oikawa turned back to Iwaizumi. "Oh nothing, just changing. I couldn't figure out what shorts I looked hotter in," he replied, smiling flirtatiously. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes in response, Oikawa always acted like this, but especially when he was feeling good. Oikawa had a knack for being able to cover up his pain, and Iwaizumi hated it. But, for now, he kept silent, not wanting to upset Oikawa further. Soon, they arrived at Iwaizumi's house and it didn't take long for Oikawa to realize that Iwaizumi's parents weren't home.

"Iwa-chan, your parents are gone, how scandalous!" Oikawa remarked, gasping theatrically in mock surprise. Iwaizumi turned back to Oikawa disappointedly, frowning at how dirty his boyfriend's mind was.

"God, you're gross... Come on, we'll watch a movie," Iwaizumi said, taking Oikawa's hand and leading him up the stairs. Oikawa laughed at Iwaizumi's comment. He was only joking when he said that stuff earlier, they'd never really done anything but make out before. Who would want anything like that with you? Oikawa stiffened for a moment, processing what the voice had just said. Iwaizumi noticed his sudden shift and turned back to him.

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