Purdy Girl with a Broken Heart

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Have you ever had your heart broken by someone you loved? Multiply that by a million and you still wouldn't understand. My life was in a nutshell till i met him.

I pull my two toned blue hair back into a pony tail the slip on some boots. This is my sophomore year of college with my two best friends. I thought out the possibilities of my future plans after school. "Sweetie, time for school"my mother yelled up to me. "Ok mom!" I yelled back down to her

" Want me to take you to school?"

"No, I'm riding with leanna and kenna"


I slip on my BVB hoodie to hide my pain from my past. Leanna honks her car horn as I walk downstairs. I quickly grab my Peirce The Veil messenger bag and rushes out side. Kenna, with her brown hair in a braid, opens the back passenger door and i hop in. " Ready" Leanna asks "Yea" I reply unenthusiastically.

We talk on our way to our third month of our second year of college. After a few classes, we went out and ate lunch under a willow that is growing close by. I turn up my radio and hears bvb's Andy Beirsack's story of how he met Juliet Simms. I drop my lunch and start to cry.

"What's wrong?" Kenna asks

"Me and Zack broke up" I reply

"Why? you two were so cute together"

" I don't know"

"Don't worry,you'll find someone"

I nod and hugs her and Leanna. After lunch we go back and finish our classes. I walk home to an empty house. I went into the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge from mom.

"Sweetie, I was called into court,your "father" will be there to try to get you into his custody. be back later, love you sweetie~mom"

I sigh knowing he'll win and take me to California.'I don't want to move' I thought to myself. I walked to my room and plop down onto my bed then falls asleep. After a few hours, I hear my mom walk into the house and shuts the door behind her. I hear her cry and instantly know what happened. I text Leanna and tell her what happened.

"Leanna, I'm moving. My dad got custody of me."

"NO way! we were supposed to graduate together"

"I know,but it's the judges say."

"I know,but promise to keep in touch."

"I will"

Within the week I'm transfered to UCLA and moved out to California. My dad got me a Harley Davidson as a welcoming gift home. I ignore it and walk up to my new room and hang up my posters. After a few days at UCLA, I bump into a new guy. " I'm sorry, I didn't see you" i say "It's ok,I'm Ashley Purdy" Ashley replied. My face lights up and I smile.

"I'm Ari,I'm such a big fan"

"Well it's nice to meet a beautiful fan"

I blush and feel my heart break more. We talk for a while then go our separate ways to our homes. I walk up to my room and lay down on my bed. As I lay on my bed, I can feel my broken beating heart slam against my chest. Tears swell up in my eyes, and i break down crying. my dad walks in and covers me up and sets an envelope on my nightstand.

"Dad" I say.

"Yes baby girl?" my dad fatherly

"My heart hurts"

"Heartbreak does hurt, but i promise that it'll get better"

"Ok daddy"

I wake up later to the smell of bacon and eats dinner with dad after walking downstairs. We talk about mom and my friends then goes to our rooms and fall asleep. The next morning, I wake up and gets dressed for school. As i walk downstairs, I can hear my dad talk to someone on the phone. I ignore it and eat some bacon. After a few minutes, I jump onto my harley and rides to school. As i park, someone parks by me.

"You ride a harley too?" Ashley asks taking his helmet off

"My dad got it for me so I kinda had to"



We head to our classes in silence. I get butterflies when I'm around him. Then I see HIM. Zack walks towards us. He looks at me and smirks. "Well,well look what we have here" he said. I fluster."What do you want?" "Nothing"he says and walks away. I sigh and holds my books to my chest then looks down. I can feel Ashley put an arm around me. "I.....I need to be alone" I say and rush to the library. "O-Ok" Ashley replied confused.

I curl up under a beanbag chair and takes a nap. I wake up after a few hours in my bed and sits up.

"Easy, I don't want you to get sick" my dad said worryingly

"What happened?"

"A nice young man brought you home"

"What'd he look like?"

"Tall, well built, brunette, and he seems nice"

I blush"Ashley,His name is Ashley Purdy"

"I approve of him"

"Dad!" I yell and blushes darker

"Well i do, he's better than that Zack boy that-"

"Don't....just don't bring THAT up" I say defensively and tears up.

"Ok," he says and sits in the chair by my bed"You need to tell someone about it"

"No one would under stand"

"Then tell that Ashley boy"

"What if he won't talk to me anymore?"

"Then move on"

I nod knowing I'll have to tell someone. My dad walks back downstairs and to the living room and I lay back down. I think things over and listen to one of my favorite bands,Black Veil Brides. Just then I get a text. Ashley Purdy.

"Hey,what's up?"

"Not much"

"What's wrong I can tell that something's wrong"

"I don't know how to tell you"

"Tell me what?"

"I.....I was raped last year by Zack"

"Oh, I'm so sorry"

"...It's ok"

"Want to hangout?"



I fall asleep after a few hours of texting him. My dad walks back in and covers me up with my comforter then goes back down to the living room. As I curl up, I can see Zack above me and I scream and fight. I can feel someone hold me. "It's ok, I got you" Ashley said. I wake up"What're you doing here?"

"I came to see you,your dad said I could come over"

I get butterflies in my stomach again"Oh?"

"Yea,whenever I'm around you I get butterflies. I can be myself and I...I love you"

"I love you too."

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