How He Cheers You Up When Your Sad part 1

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 The jeff hardy prefrence goes out to @charmingenigma

John Cena

One day you got a call from your mom telling you that your Cat from when ypu were a kid passed away.

You loved this cat with every last taking breath you had. But when he just died...It made you so sad.

John hated seeing you sad so. He took to your favorite place in the world...The beach and you two just hung out there and john did get your mind off of the sad event.

Jeff Hardy

You were sad because your day was going down hill from the start....

From the burnt toast, to the cold shower to now you messing up on your favorite paintings in the world. It was suppose to singafy your love of both you and Jeff. But now it's ruined with a big blue smudge in the wrong place.

You groaned as Jeff came in.

"What's wrong babe?" He asked.

" This was supposed to be a painting of us to singafy our love for one another but I runied it...My day has been bad too..I just wanted to go back in bed and just watch TV." You said.

Jeff kissed tour cheek and walked youbanck to your guys room and layer you down. The day got better by being in your man's arms and watching movies all day.

Randy Orton

You rarely get sad. And when you do it like a 5 second cry and then you go back to your normal self. But this time seem really different for some reason, today, you were feeling off.

Randy hated seeing you sad  cause it makes him sometimes sad.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Randy said as he came to you.

"This sad movie!!" You said.

It made Randy raise his eyebrows and chuckle.

"Sit with me?" You said opening your arms.

He sighed and for next to you as you guys cuddled all day.

Roman reing

Usually how Roman cheers you up is by his charming good looks and his clothes. Don't ask. You just usually wear his clothes when your sad.

But today was you anniversary of your grandpa passing away.

You grandfather was like a big person in your life. He was always there for you.

Roman knew about this because it was the way you too first met.


Roman was walking along the hall when he heard a weeping women.

He turned the corner and saw you. You were sitting down your head was in your knees as you silently cried.

Roman walked up and sat down next to you.

"You ok?" Roman asked as he put his arm around you.

You lifted your head and sniffed back a tear.

"I-i just g-got a call, m-m-my g-grandpa passed." You said as you started crying again. 

Roman just stayed with you as he listened to all your trouble and worrys.

He also gave you his jacket he was wearing when you guys walked back to Romans rental car.

(End of flashback)

From that day on you guys have been dating and he's always there for you. And he cheers you up by just hanging out with each other.

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Part 2 coming soon.

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