You Forgot Me...?

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Song: Bad Boy  (another Jack Frost video XP)

🥚 Bunny's POV 🥚

I carried Tooth bridal style and was about to hop out to give the signal to the others, but then I turned and looked towards Jack.

He was leading Y/N somewhere.

I looked back forward and hopped as fast as I could to the entrance.

With my free hand, I grabbed one of my boomerangs and threw it up and through the hole.

☀️ Sandy's POV ☀️ (Lol did anyone see this coming?)

Everyone was walking around, waiting for Bunny's signal.

I was standing next to the hole and waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly, one of Bunny's boomerangs came rushing up and almost hit me. I caught it before it could though.

North turned towards me. "Oh, Sandy, this is Bunny's signal, yes?"

I nodded and North and Kendall walked towards me.

I pointed at the hole, and Kendall nodded. "Let's go."

I flew in and Kendall was right after me. North landed right after we did.

"Guys! Someone please take care of Tooth." Bunny said and hopped towards the three of us.

"I will." Kendall said, and took Tooth from Bunny. "I'll try to heal her here."

Bunny nodded.

"But who did this to her?" I tried to ask, but as usual no one noticed me.

"But who did this to her?" North asked Bunny. That's what I just said!!

"....Y/N." Bunny replied. I shook my head fast.

"Believe it or not Sandy, she's changed. She even nearly killed Lucretia." Bunny said. "Now, let's go. Frost has the cure, and he's gonna give it to her, but he might need some help."

Me and North nodded and followed Bunny inside.

☃️ Your (Evil) POV ☃️

I was flying after Jack, trying to catch him. See, I didn't really wanna do this, or hurt anyone. But it's like I couldn't control myself. I couldn't control what I'd say, do or even think. And what's worse, was that I could see everything that was happening.

I managed to tell Jack I was still here though. At least he didn't give up on me.

I tried attacking him with my snow or whatever this was, but he dodged it and flew ahead.

He led me somewhere where there was literally nothing, except a bit of light.

Jack turned around and faced me.

"Drink this." He said, and pushed some bottle towards me.

Evil me laughed. "You really think I'd drink that?!" And then I grabbed the bottle and threw it on the ground.

Jack Frost x Reader~ My Snowflake {Wattys2017}Where stories live. Discover now