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Jayla's POV

When I saw saniyah earlier sooo many memories flooded my head.  Then when we hugged the spark just lit.  I've missed her sooo much, but she just left and I didn't really know how to cope with all of that, so I guess I just grew bitter and got attached to ava.  Man now that she's back I'm not even exactly sure if I really love Ava.... I mean I do but... Is it the same amount of love I have for niyah?  I sat there in my thoughts as I felt Ava's hand creeping up my theigh. I legit jumped in my seat.

My mother looked over towards us "Jay, what's all the jumping for?" She asked me

"Nun ma, I just thought I felt sum on my leg." I responded eating some of my spaghetti.

"Mhmmm" she said going back to conversation with my pops.

Saniyah smiled and spoke up "so how's everyone been since I been gone?"

Stacy looked up from her plate "girl we all have been miserable." She said causing nia to look up.

"And that's absolute facts." She said.

I bursted out laughing almost choking in my lemonade. "No, y'all have been miserable, I got my baby." I said leaning in pecking Ava's lips as she smiled pecking back. I then looked back over at nia and stacy "so speak for y'all selves." I glared at saniyah who had this smile plastered across her face.

"Gosh you guys are such a cute ass couple." She said smiling at Ava.  Nia rolled her eyes mumbling shit under her breath

Before I could even say thank you Ava grinned and spoke up "oh I know right.".

Stacy sat up and glared at Nia who of course had some shit to say.

"What happened to thank you?'' She asked around the table.

Ava rolled her eyes looking at me.

"Babe, she's always saying some to me, I'm not gonna continue to deal with her disrespect!" She said a lil to loud.

"Well bitch get up and beaty ass!" Nia yelled as she hopped up.

Saniyah sat ariah down and hopped up"guys really?!,", "I come home on the first night and y'all wanna act a fool out in front of my child !?'' She said pointing to ariah.

Everyone got quiet as my mother was still trying to find out what the problem was. 

"This is unbelievable" saniyah said grabbing ariah walking out the kitchen

"Niyah where you going?" Sam asked.

"To fucking bed!" She shouted .

I glared down at ava and shook my head.

"We leaving" I said getting up grabbing ava's arm.

"Why is it that anytime I want something good to happen this dysfunctional ass family fucks my plans up? , can I not have a decent family night?!" My mother screamed.

My father sighed getting up walking out the kitchen with my mother following him.

"Bitch this is your fault" nia said mugging Ava.

"No its your fault" I said  to her.

"Jayla shut the fuck up!" "What the fuck were you thinking bringing this bitvh in this house knowing niyah Was coming back?" Nia said.

"Ayo chill out on my best friend, sure yall dont like Ava? But dont take that shit out on jayla" Micky said in my defense.

"It dont matter man, cause like I said. Me and Ava bout to go home. We'll slide back through tomorrow maybe" I said walking out the kitchen. With ava behind me.

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