Chapter Five- Lea

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"Get up sleepyhead," said Finn, hitting me in the face with a pillow, "We're here."

"Really?" I jumped out of bed and ran to the window. The Capitol was huge, with tall skyscrapers, and people with a wacky sense of style milling about. As the train passed, they all turn and waved at us.

I went back to my room to change into something practical, a simple pale blue, almost white dress and sandals. It was simple, but would have to do. I fishtail braided my hair and went down the hallway to the dining room.

Finn, Mags,who was mentoring Axel, Axel, Ellie, and I ate a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and toast before we pulled up to the tribute building, where we would be staying before the games.

It was tall, twelve stories high, one for each district, with a single glass elevator running up the side.

I got off the train, and Finnick led me inside. I followed him to the big glass elevator. He pushed our button, 4, obviously, for our district.

We stopped really fast, "We're here already?" I asked, as the District 1 tributes stepped into the elevator.

"No, we stopped so they could get on," said Finnick, pointing at the two teenagers.

"We have names," said the girl, "I'm Glimmer, and this is Marvel."

"I can say my own name can't I?" asked the boy, Marvel.

"I guess you can," said Glimmer sarcastically.

"You two must be from 4," said Marvel, gesturing to Axel and I, "Which means you'll be Careers. You should join the rest of us on floor two after the parade."

"Sounds good," I said.

The elevator stopped. We had arrived to the second floor.

"Well we'd better get going, Clove and Cato are waiting,"said Glimmer, pulling on Marvel's arm.

"We'll see you later, Cerulean, was it?" he asked.

I blushed. He remembered my name, which means he must have actually paid attention to the Reapings, "Yeah," I said, "See you later."

As they left, I could see Glimmer laugh, and punch Marvel in the arm through the closing doors. He was even cuter in person.

A couple seconds later, we arrived to our floor. It was huge, with five bedrooms, a living room with couches and a television, a dining room, and a kitchenette, we wouldn't be doing our own cooking, so I guess it was there for our own preferences.

"Come on dearest," said Ellie pulling me toward a door that I hadn't noticed before. She showed me into a room with a reclining chair and a whole bunch of various things that I couldn't name.

"Your prep team will be here shortly."

I sat in the chair and waited.

Not long after, three people entered the room. They introduced themselves as Jupiter, Kat, and Azelma.

They began scurrying around me and proceeded to rip all of my body hair off of me, which stung a lot.

When that was finished, Azelma filed my nails into perfect oval shapes, and painted them in a light sea green color. When I looked presentable enough, my prep team decided they were done.

"Wait here, Gaea will be here in a minute," said Jupiter, as the three of them left the room.

A woman opened the door a few minutes later. She had long black hair and green eyes. She wore shimmery gold lipstick and matching eyeshadow. She didn't really give me Capitol vibes, which I was good with.

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