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Hi! I am Wonder woman, i am a amazonian princess and a natural born leader. I am the ambassador of Super Hero High. I am still learning things outside my home but its ok i had my friend with me.
Powers: Super strength, flight, invincibility, and super speed
Weapons: Bulletproof bracelet, lasso of truth and a sheild of amazon.
Weakness: Copper
Traits: Couragous, Competative, Determined, Serious, Adventurous, Loyal, Kind, strong, fearless, smart and Honest.

Weakness: CopperTraits: Couragous, Competative, Determined, Serious, Adventurous, Loyal, Kind, strong, fearless, smart and Honest

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Hi! I am Supergirl, I am from the planet called Kripton, and I had So many superpowers and Abilities and skills and even magic. And i am he new kid at superhero high.
Powers: Super Strength, Flight, Super speed, super sight, Super hearing, Laser beam and many or so much more.
Weakness: Kryptonite
Traits: tough, brave, smart, fast, quick, strong, intelligent, fearless, talented, unbeatable, invincible, sweet, honest, and loyal.

Weapons: Weakness: KryptoniteTraits: tough, brave, smart, fast, quick, strong, intelligent, fearless, talented, unbeatable, invincible, sweet,  honest, and loyal

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Hi! I am Poison Ivy, I am a old student here at superhero high, i am more comfortable with plants that i can summon than people.
Powers: Plant control, Summoning plant vines, And Controls Flowers.
Weapon: My plants
Weakness: Toxic Rubies.
Traits: Shy, Awkward, Smart, Loving, Sweet, Faithful, Loyal, Honest, Independent, Graceful, Quiet, Kind, Brave, and Strong.

Traits: Shy, Awkward, Smart, Loving, Sweet, Faithful, Loyal, Honest, Independent, Graceful, Quiet, Kind, Brave, and Strong

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Hi! I am Batgirl, i am a I.T and student of Superhero High and I am a normal person and i am from earth and i had a father who is a teacher at my school.
Weapons:Grabbling Hook, Boomarang bomb and Alot more.
Weakness:Moon Crystal
Traits: Smart, Confident, Couragous, Independent, strong, tough, honest, loyal, kind, good hearted, competitive, faithful, determined, and consistent.

Weakness:Moon CrystalTraits: Smart, Confident, Couragous, Independent, strong, tough, honest, loyal, kind, good hearted, competitive, faithful, determined, and consistent

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Sorry, if its short but you may discover some characters at the the next part.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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