She's my Girlfriend

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The silence that came with the comment was overbearing, it had killed the happiness that was once there.
"For how long?" Katy asked, not wanting to know the answer
"Well.. I do live there Katy.. I was only visiting with Ellie if you remember correctly." Jess admitted

The thought wasn't wrapping around Katy's head.. She knew things between her and Jessie were definitely going a million miles a minute, but the length of time that Jessie was away.. Was the length of time she wouldn't have her girlfriend.

"So you're telling me.. That you need to go back London...for who knows how long, in just a few days?" Katy raised an eyebrow
"Mhmm.." Jess assured her nervously
"Well it looks like we'll just have to make the best of these next three days" Katy grinned
"Wait.. You're not breaking up with me? You're not upset that I'll have to go?" Jess questioned
"No! I'm not breaking up with you.. I mean yeah I'll be sad when you go, but I'm determined to make what we have work." Katy stated firmly.

Jessie couldn't contain the smile that spread across her face. She leaned in a placed a firm kiss on Katy's lips. She pulled away and looked straight into Katy's eyes, Katy reciprocated the actions and they were both staring intently into each other.
Katy noticed the familiar twinkle in Jessie's eyes and melted inside.

"How do you do that?" Katy thought out loud
"Do what?" Jessie asked dumbfounded
"Look into my eyes and make me forget the whole world around me, or completely melt me inside without even trying?" Katy smiled
"I could ask you the same thing.. Anything you say or do.. Just makes my heart skip a beat" Jess blushed
"Aww baby.." Katy giggled, cuddling Jessie

Jessie giggled and couldn't wipe the cheesy smile off her face

"What's so funny?" Katy asked
"You.. Called me baby" Jess giggled again
"Do you not want me to" Katy raised an eyebrow
"No, it's not that.. I like it" Jess smiled warmly

Katy and Jessie stayed in each other's embrace for what seemed like hours.
They were now laying on the couch as close as they could possibly be together. Jess was on Katy's chest while Katy had one arm rested on Jessie's waist and the other tightly holding onto her hand.

"You know.. If we would've admitted this three years ago.. Things would've been so much different.." Jessie looked up at Katy
"I know.. We would probably be living with each other by now.. Married even." Katy glanced down at Jess, smiling.
"Married?" Jess smiled
"Married baby. That just goes to show how much I really wanted you to be mine and in my life forever."
"I feel so stupid.. Knowing I was the only thing holding us back" Jess Facepalmed
"I was holding us back too." Katy reassured her

Jess gave Katy a quick smile but returned to her thoughts, mentally kicking herself for being so naive

"..And who knows what the future holds for us." Katy winked
"Right, but the future.. Because we've only really been together for a few hours" Jess giggled

Katy yawned, as it was now nearly midnight and she was completely drained.

"Come on Katy, let's go to bed, you look so tired babe." Jessie influenced
"But.. I only have three days with you.." Katy pouted
"It's okay baby. We'll rest up for the next few days tonight." Jessie assured her

With that they had put on their pajamas and got into bed. Clinging tightly to each other, the sound of their soft breathing and slow heart beats filling the room.

"Goodnight beautiful." Jess said softly
"Goodnight baby."

They had drifted off, both more than happy, and so content.

Katy nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt her whole house shake due to her front door slamming. She glanced down to see if it had woken Jessie but she was still in a deep sleep.

"HEY SLUT, WHERE ARE YOU??" A very familiar woman shouted and giggled.

Katy bolted down the stairs and tackled her friend down to the ground. Straddling her and putting her hands over her mouth.

"Shut the fuck up Shan! Jessie's upstairs sleeping!" Katy scowled, her eyes went wide at the realization of what she just said

"Jessie? Meaning .. JESSIE J?!" Shannon squealed

Katy giggled and shook her head yes vigorously

"So you two made up then? You're friends?" Shannon raised an eyebrow

Katy thought for a quick second and decided that she wanted a different way than just telling Shannon that her and Jessie were together

"Yup. Just friends." Katy confirmed, nonchalantly
"Oh my god! That's so good! I'm glad!" Shannon said happily
"Well I'm gonna wake up sleeping beauty and we'll meet you down here, and get some breakfast?" Katy asked
"You don't have work?" Shannon questioned
"Um.. No.. I requested a few days off yesterday." Katy smiled
"Well.. Yea, breakfast sounds good" Shannon agreed

Katy waltzed up the stairs to find a Jessie with an eyebrow raised and her arms crossed.

"Goodmorning baby." Katy smiled, but it vanished quickly when Jessie's gaze met her own.

"Just friends?" Jessie questioned
"Ohh, yea because I want her to find out a different way." Katy smirked

A confused look swept across Jessie's face
"Just follow my lead and you'll see why I want to do it this way." Katy giggled
"Oh.. Um.. Okay." Jessie agreed
"Wait.. Why were you listening to Shannon and I?"
"Oh.. I um.. I woke up because of her ridiculously loud shouting.. And when I got up I saw you pinning her on the ground. Which I might or might not have gotten jealous about" Jessie winked
"With time baby.. I want our first time to be love not just sex." Katy smirked and pecked Jessie on the lips
"So breakfast then.." Jessie sighed
"Yeah, here.." Katy led Jess to her unreasonably big wardrobe
"Go ahead and pick out some clothes to wear." Katy said, leaning over Jess to grab leggings and an oversized shirt.
Jessie grabbed the same and quickly got changed in front of a wide eyed Katy
"Watch your eyeballs babe, they might fall out of your sockets." Jess whispered into her ear, earning a playful slap on the butt from Katy.
"Hey!" Jess pouted
"Sorry Ba-" Katy was cut off by Shannon pushing the door open
"Okay Katheryn and Jessica, I know you two are extremely close now that you have made up. But hungry Shannon, Isn't a pretty Shannon, and I'm fucking starving. So I am politely asking you to speed up the process." Shannon stated, frustrated.
"Eh.. Chill Shan. You're never really that pretty anyway." Katy joked, earning a slap on the arm from Jessie.
"You're beautiful Shannon, hungry or not" Jessie winked
"I like Jessie, Katy. She might just become my new best friend." Shannon stuck her tongue out
"Whatever, you can be her best friend if you want.." Katy had a super cheeky smile on her face.

Within the next moment Katy had swiftly crossed the room to a confused looking Jessie, wrapped her arms around her waist, pulled their bodies even closer together, and kissed Jessie very passionately. All done in front of a speechless, wide eyed, and confused Shannon.

Katy ended the kiss and finished her point.. "Because she's my girlfriend"
"WHAT?! NO WAY!!" Shannon squealed
"Way." Katy stated winking at Jessie

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