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"What's going on Jessica?" Katy questioned
"Katy.. If I tell you, you need to tell me what's on your mind okay?" Jessie asked.
"Sure, now go on."
"Right.. Well.. I'm a bit confused Katheryn. We had an amazing thing going on for us, 3 years ago we were inseparable, and clearly happy. You changed my world, you made me a better and more confident person. You helped me get this amazing career I have now, on the right tracks. But then one day I hear nothing from you or about you.. You ran off.. I had no idea where you went. I thought you might have wanted a day to yourself but one day became days, one week became weeks, one month became months, and one whole year.. Became years.." Jessie looked down at her hands, she felt the tears coming now and there was no way to stop them
"Katy, you knew how I felt about you, at least I assume so.. I loved you so freaking much, and the fact that you left me so clueless.. You broke my freakin heart. I never thought one person could make my life so good and then so bad within a short amount of time, but you had that effect on me.. I just.. I wanted to ask you why-Why did you leave me Katy?" Jessie now looked up and into Katy's eyes which were threatening with tears.
"Jessie.. I'm so sorry, I didn't think what I did would affect you.. I-It's just.." Katy knew what she wanted to say but was nervous about Jessie's reaction
"Katy, say everything you need to say, don't hold back.." Jessie said while grabbing Katy's hands in her own
"Hmm.. I missed this.." Katy said to herself while looking down at their intertwined fingers
"Huh?" Jess questioned
"Oh.. Sorry.. Right.." Katy started
"Jess I.. I will never forget the bond we had with each other, I have never been happier in my life. You made me see the brighter side of things, you inspired me to continue to be the best I can be, and you helped me in my darkest times. You want to know why I left so I'll tell you exactly why.. I loved you Jessica Ellen, I loved you with all my heart, but I-I fell for you, you were my best friend and I never wanted my feelings to come in between that. I wanted you to be mine, and only mine. Hearing you talk about each of your girlfriends broke my heart, but I wanted to be your best friend, so I played it off. I'm not going to lie, dancing and talking with you tonight.. It made me feel like we never stopped talking. I missed you.. I watched your YouTube videos and your performances, and I smiled to myself because I knew that I was blessed to have you in my life at one point. I would do anything to have you back In my life Jess.." Katy concluded, still staring into Jessie's eyes.
"Do you still have feelings for me Kate?" Jess asked nervously
"Oh, no, I've moved on.." Katy stated. Even though it wasn't true, she didn't want to mess things up again.
"Oh.. Okay.. Well if you're willing to.. I would love to start fresh" Jess looked to Katy, hope In her eyes.
"I would love that more than anything" Katy flashed a genuine and reassuring smile to Jessie.
"Wanna have a sleepover Jessie?" Katy smirked.
"Oh.. Wow your maturity levels are showing.." Jessie teased.
"So is that a yes or no..?" Katy asked raising an eyebrow
"Of course!" Jessie laughed
"C'mon I'll just text Shannon and Ellie and tell them we went back to mine and we'll have a party of our own" Katy winked at Jess

(A/N: thank you so much to those of you who have read this fanfic so far! It's my first one so if I'm rusty, now you know why :)! Please comment and leave me feedback, and if you have any suggestions, don't be shy! I'm open to anything.
xx Lexi)

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