Chapter 11

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"What do you mean that one of your vigilantes got hurt?" Kinshiro, the leader of the Edo vigilantes, asked Makoto. They were in Shintaro's dojo. Wasaka was in the back with Shintaro. The only other person there was Aki.

Makoto looked at the older man with green hair. "One of the newer vigilantes, (Y/N), was kidnapped, and her brother, Aki, found out where she was. The guy who kidnapped her shot her five times. She has only woken up once since Aki brought her to Shintaro."

"That's Aki, right?" Kinshiro looked over at the shorter boy.

"Yeah," Makoto glanced over at the boy. Aki was shaking as he looked at his feet.

In the room, Shintaro placed a damp cloth on (Y/N)'s head. Her face was red, and her breathing was very uneven. Wasaka was looking at the shot wounds.

"Okay. One on the side of her neck. One in her shoulder. One at her ribs on the left side, close to the heart. One close to her spine. And one on her right hip," Wasaka said. "That's five. The worst one is by her heart, but it's not close enough to any veins to stop any blood circulation. Or...the worst could be the one at her spine. It could have cut off the nerves."

Blood started to come out of her wounds. (Y/N) turned her head to the side, quickly. Wasaka carefully turned her head to the other side to stop her from hurting her neck. Shintaro took the bandages off and place a cloth on it. He wrapped it up to add pressure. They did the same for her other wounds.

"It looks like that it's hard for her blood to clot," Wasaka said as he looked at her. They had wrapped up her chest to keep her kimono off to look at her wounds. They kept a small blanket over her lower area. "I need to look for some medicine or something I could mix to give her. Huh?"

(Y/N)'s eyes twitched, and she looked up at them. She was very pale. Wasaka kept her laying down. (Y/N) did speak as she looked at him.

"Try to stay awake, (Y/N). Just try," Shintaro said.

(Y/N) turned to him. "Het doet pijn. Het spijt me voor de moeite. Het spijt me. Oh god, het doet pijn.(It hurts. I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm sorry. Oh god, it hurts.)," she said in Dutch as she kept her head on the ground.

"Don't talk," Wasaka said. "Dang it!"

(Y/N) closer her eyes and feel back asleep.

"She's losing too much blood," Wasaka said. "You told me that she had woke up once before. What did she say?"

"That her brother, not Aki, was working with Master's brother," Shintaro said. "I don't get it. I didn't think that any told her about Toru..."

"Maybe Makoto told her," Wasaka said. "I'm going to tell them what I found and what she did."




Makoto was walking back to the Salon when he stopped. He was alone, and he could tell that someone was following him. Makoto turned and looked at who was following him. It was a silver haired man with a mask.

"What do you want?" Makoto called back.

"I'm Toru, don;t you remember me?"The man asked.

Makoto's eyes widened. "Again, what do you want? Are you working with a foreigner?"

"Willem? I am," Toru said. "I don't agree with what he did to (Y/N). I gained a liking to her when he made me watch her."

Makoto watched as Toru put a hand in his kimono and pulled something out. He reached his hand out. There was a small vial in his hand. Makoto took it and stared at it.

"What is this?" Makoto asked.

"Willem told me that his sister had trouble with blood clotting, and that the shots would most likely kill her. You need to give her this. This will help her blood clot, and it will save her," Toru said. Without warning, he completely ran off and disappeared.

Makoto looked at the vial filled with a dark colored liquid. He decided to run back to the dojo. Once there, Shintaro looked at him. Makoto explained everything and handed it to him. Shintaro went to the back room.

Wasaka was trying to hydrate her. He glanced up as Shintaro told him what Makoto told him. Wasaka took it and smelt it.

"It doesn't smell like poison. We have to risk it," Wasaka said before pulling (Y/N) to sit up and put it to her lips. He got her to drink it and wash it down with water. About thirty minutes later, the bleeding stopped.

"We have to wait and see if she bleeds again," Wasaka said. "We should let her rest."

Wasaka nodded, and he left the room with Shintaro.

(In the picture, the first one is Wasaka, and the second is Kinshiro.)

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