Chapter 12 - Eduard

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Eduard was watching (Y/N) as she slept. He looked at the weak and ill looking girl. Her face was bright red, and her breathing was uneven. He frowned slightly and grabbed the rag out of the bucket of water. He rung out the rag and placed it on her forehead.

As Eduard was pulling his hand away, a smaller hand grabbed his wrist. His eyes widened as he looked at her face. (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes were half way open, staring up at him.

"Ed...uard..." (Y/n) mumbled as she stared at him.

"Hey, how do you feel?" Eduard asked her as he pushed some hair that was stuck on her sweaty head out of her face.

"Zwak(Weak)," (Y/N) tells him. "Ed..."


"Ik voel mijn benen(I can't feel my legs)," (Y/N) admitted.

Eduard's eyes widened as he looked down at her. The young girl laid still as she weakly stared up at him.

"Why are you only taking in Dutch?" Eduard asked.

"Weet jij de Red Rose?(Do you know the Red Rose?)" (Y/N) asked.

Eduard soon got a headache. Something in his mind told him what it was. "Yes," he said after a while.

"Willem's in Nagasaki. Hij zoekt voor ons, denk ik. Hij wil dat we weer terug in de Red Rose.(William's in Nagasaki. He is looking for us, I think. He wants us back at the Red Rose.)" (Y/N) told him.

Eduard nodded slightly as he watched (Y/N) turn her head away from him and close her eyes. She soon was fast asleep again.

A few hours later, Shintaro got back and looked at Eduard. Eduard looked over at him.

"...she woke up for a while," he said with a small frown.

"Why are you sad about that?" Shintaro asked. He thought that it was a good thing that she woke up.

"She told me that she couldn't feel her legs, and if you're staying, I need to talk to Makoto," Eduard said.

Shintaro nodded, and Eduard left.

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