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School flew by. I was one of the smartest people in my class and my teacher, Ms. Morsel was so so kind. When school ended, Claire and my friends raced to the stream as we all giggled and chattered about our day. We paddled in the water, the tadpoles swimming next to our feet. The tadpoles made me think of some bittersweet memories but I didn't let that stop the fun. "How's Mary?" asked Hannah. "Very well! How is little Jack?" I asked quickly, feeling for the bread I promised my little sister in my pinafore pocket. "Little Jack is stinky!" giggled Hannah about her little brother and we fell into peals of laughter. We spent an hour splashing in the stream, talking all at once and gossiping about the boys playing football close to us. I didn't want the happiness to end. I tried imagining coming home to the smell of fresh bread and cakes and my stomach rumbled. "Sorry guys! I need to go home!" I gabbled, remembering my hungry sister. "Bye Grace! See you tommorow!" chanted the girls as I skipped home. I still heard my friend's excited spalshing and screams as I arrived at my little cottage with honeysuckle climbing the walls.

That's when the bubble I lived in burst.


"Momma? Mary?" I called out. "I'm home!" I screamed. "Hello?" I gasped. Nothing. Then I heard stiffled sobs. "Mary?" I shrieked, a wave of relief coming over me. A scream. A scream I will never forget. My breathing increased. Something was wrong. "MARY! PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS A JOKE!" I panicked and I cried. Right there in the middle of the hallway. A pair of small fingers gave me a strong hug but I felt my dress becoming soggy. I turned around to see Mary's face covered with blood. I screamed and sobbed. "What happened, Mary?!" I panted and I regretted going to school. "DADDY HIT ME!" she shrieked, tears and snot running down her face. I stared and looked around the house. Where was mom?

It took us a few minutes to get Mary cleaned up. My lip quivered everytime I saw my darling baby's swollen face. "Do you want to... talk about today?" I swallowed, my voice wavering slightly. Mary nodded, her curls bouncing. I suddenly felt that me, an eight year old, and Mary, a three year, were like two adult women discussing an abusive relationship. "Momma said she didn't feel good at all this morning. Then a bad man came called Nigel. Daddy was chasing the bad man but Nigel took momma. Mommy and the Nigel ran away from home. Mommy got into a carriage with a suitcase and left with the bad man." Mary sobbed louder and I pulled her into my lap. "No, shush. It's not your fault, darling." I whispered and pulled her locks behind her head. "IT IS! You see, Daddy saw me screaming and then he hit me. He said it was all my fault because I didn't stop mommy!" bawled Mary. "Well, Mommy left. So can we." I grunted stubbornly. "NO!" sniffled my darling little sister. "SO CAN WE!" I shouted and Mary gulped. Why didn't I listen to her? I was so stupid. "YES! We will find a little cottage in the city- London and I'll find a job and maybe a family will come take us in." I gabbled, trying to verbally figure things out, imaging happiness for both of us. "That is what we shall do." I said determinately.

I wish we had stayed.


Heyyyy it's me!

Wrote yet *ANOTHER* chapter because it's my Easter holidays and whyyyy not. Might not write as much after the holiday but am trying to stick to my goal of writing 1 chapter a week! :)



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