Chapter 5

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    It had been a few days since I agreed to enter the competition with Lukas. We had been working tirelessly, and he spent one of the water breaks measuring me for the costume and measuring my feet because "I'd need a clean set of lyrical shoes(which are the same thing as turning shoes) for a performance." The competition was in two months, and we practiced every day after school until six o'clock, allowing me to get home before seven, which was when my mom got home. She left for work every morning before I'd even woken up, meaning I could bring my dance bag to school without her knowing. She had no idea that anything was out of the ordinary, and I found a certain sense of satisfaction in knowing that I was doing something she doesn't want me to.

    I stared out the bus window on thursday morning when I felt someone plop down next to me. I didn't need to look to know it was Lukas, although I was surprised he would sit with me. Despite the fact that me and the ocelots were slowly starting to drift away from being enemies(I'm not going to call us friends, because by no means are we friends) Lukas always sat with Aiden. I did sit with the ocelots during lunch, which was Aiden's idea because it would "help me shake the reputation as the freak." But they never sat with me just for the sake of sitting with me.

    I turned to face him after a few seconds, and he smiled back at me with a goofy grin. Although he usually had an easy going smile of some sort on his face, a grin like the one he wore now was definitely not natural for him. It took me a moment to notice the rectangular yellow box he had laid in his lap, but I assumed it was for some sort of class project.

    "I have a surprise for you," he said as soon as I turned to him. "What is it?" I asked. "Close your eyes," he said. I reluctantly obeyed, shutting my eyes loosely. "Tighter," he taunted. I squeezed my eyes tighter. "Okay, so remember how I was measuring your feet two days ago because you'd need new shoes for the competition?" he asked. I nodded as I heard the sound of cardboard sliding against cardboard. "Well, that was a lie. You don't need new turning shoes. In fact, you could go onstage barefoot," he said as a box was placed in my lap. "What are you getting at?" I asked. "Well, I needed it for something else. Now open your eyes," he said.

    I opened my eyes and looked at my lap to find the yellow box he had been holding, the lid lifted up. I just now noticed the word "Bloch" scrawled on the side of it, which I knew was a company that sold dance gear. But what surprised me more was what was inside the box.

    My eyes widened as I slowly took the brand new pointe shoes out of their box. I slowly ran a finger along the silky surface that covered the shoe. Many people think that pointe shoes are ballet pink, but they're usually either an extremely pale shade of pink or what I would pass off as rose gold. This pair was rose gold, which I thought to be a prettier color than the pale pink option.

    I held one of the shoes in my almost shaking hands for several moments, examining every inch of it as if it were the most valuable treasure in the world. I looked up at him again, and just now noticed that Aiden had popped his head over the seat too and was looking at Lukas.

    "How... how did you get these?" I asked. He scratched the back of his head. "I had a little help from my dad," he said. I wasn't surprised that he could afford them. All of the ocelots were pretty wealthy. But I was in complete shock that he'd spend money on me.

    "Well, go ahead. See if they fit," Aiden said, snapping me out of my trance. I quickly took off my white converse and socks that I'd been wearing and slipped the pointe shoes onto my foot. It was practically a perfect fit, and I was surprised that Lukas had been so accurate on the measurements. "They fit perfectly," I said, still slightly fazed. I didn't let my foot touch the ground as I carefully took the shoe off and tried the other one on. I made sure not to let them touch anything as I put them back in their box, their shining surface almost too perfect to be touched.

    They looked so perfect, I almost felt bad knowing I'd have to use them and ruin their beautiful, sparkling surface. I carefully put the box in my handbag as if the shoes inside were a sacred object, which, to me, they were. I turned to Lukas, finally opening my mouth to speak. But, instead of words coming out, I felt myself shoot forward and wrap my arms around Lukas almost involuntarily. "Thank you," I whispered, burying my head in his shoulder. "Thank you so so so so so much," I said. He seemed slightly taken aback at first, but soon wrapped his arms around me and returned the hug. "Anything for a friend," he said.

Hope you guys like it :D Chapters are slowly getting longer lol

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