Chapter Two

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Chapter Two Maddie's POV-

I closed the door without the two seeing me. "Paige!" I yelled down the hall, because she was still in sight. My mascara was running down my face and Paige ran over as soon as she saw me. "What happened Maddie?" She asked sympathetically. "It's him. And it's her. They're there. Together. My roommate. I can't go in. It's them Paige it's them!" I screamed. Being my best friend, she understood my babbling. She pulled me into a hug. "Forget those losers. You're Madison Ziegler. The gorgeous heartbreaker that won't let anyone come in the way of her and her confidence. Never mind them, ignore them! Be confident. I'm here for you Maddie. Don't let them ruin your big break. This is your chance. Pretend you don't know them. Walk in like you own the place Mads. You've got this. You're stronger and smarter than they will ever be."

She pulled me into a tighter hug, and left me with that. Great, now I was alone. I can always count on Paige... Note the sarcasm.

Okay. This could go either way for me.

A. I run out crying and beg for another roommate or B. I could take Paige's advice and walk in like I own the place.

B is probably the smarter choice but I'm reluctant to do anything that isn't option A. No. I have to do what's best. I'm not that same girl I was in Pittsburgh. You don't mess with Madison Ziegler.

I stepped into the room cautiously and walked over to the bed near the window, taking in the gorgeous city campus. I went unnoticed by the sickening lovebirds. It was so hard to actually could not believe those pathetic jerks were still together.

The two broke apart from what seemed the be a never ending kiss, and I coughed, very much on purpose. They jumped up when they realized they weren't alone in the large room.

"You two done?" I smirked. "I'm sorry..didn't mean to.. Um... Barge in. Actually, scratch that, I'm not sorry at all. This is my room so if you guys are finished I'd like to take measurements."

My ex best fried and ex boyfriend gawked at me, still taking in my presence. "Hello? You just gonna sit there and stare at me like two idiots? That reminds me of a few other idiots I used to know. Oh that's funny. You guys look familiar. Oh right. I knew I recognized you from somewhere! We danced together. Chloe, right?" I scoffed and reached out my hand for her to take. She hesitantly shook it then pulled her hand away quickly.

"And you're my best friend Paige's brother?" I said to Josh. He nodded and looked at Chloe who was just as, if not more, dumbfounded.

"That's right! It's Maddie. But you can call me Madison. Only my friends call me Maddie. But some call me Mads or Mad or even Maddog. Yeah, I never liked that nickname either. Why am I the only one speaking. Do you guys have mouths. Oh well obviously because you were just eating each other's. Well if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for the tour. First impressions are really important!" I walked into the back thrown and shut the door after flashing them a smile, and not looking back once. I smiled to myself for the first time in a while.

Wow. That is not the Madison Ziegler who grew up in that small town. That was the first time I saw that side of Maddie and I got to say, I like confident, deceiving Maddie way much more than before.

This was going to be a long year, why not make the best of it? I came here for dance and that's what I'll do... Maybe just after a little messing with them.


I forgot to call my sister when I got off the plane, so I dialed her number and left the bathroom because I was sure the two were gone. I sat on my bed and after a short while, my sister Mackenzie answered the phone.

"Hey Kenz!" I said.

"Hi Mad. I miss you."

"Miss you too! We'll FaceTime every single day I promise."

"You better promise. You're in the Big Apple and I'm sitting at home waiting for Kurt to get out of bed to drive me to gymnastics." She called our dad Kurt a lot. It was probably just an emotional thing. "So how's Juilliard?" She added.

"Amazing. But my days going pretty sucky." I admitted.

"Aw why?"

"Well Paige is here too! But you'll never guess who I found in my took today."

"Who?" She said anxiously.

"Chloe and Josh was here."

"OMG you're kidding!"

"Nope. Ugh they're still together. They're so pathetic." I told her.

"Agreed." She smirked.

"Got to go get ready for a tour if the school. Miss you! Talk to you later."

"Bye love you. Tell Paige I say hi."

"Kay, Love you."

I pressed end and locked my screen. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Who could that be? The devil? Wouldn't surprise me seeing as how the world seems to hate me today. I get up and drag my way over to the door. Standing there is a girl about my age with long brunette hair and green eyes. "Hi! My name's Alaira. Are you my roommate?" She smiled. She was cute and cheery.

"Hey come in! I'm Maddie."

"Are you from Dancemoms?"

"Well I was on it when I was a kid." I admitted.

"Oh I was a huge fan. It's funny how people change so much." She said.

"Yeah... Funny." I told her, sighing.


A/N- there you are! What do you think of Maddie?

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