14 - Losing

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The other car drives first, we're in the middle and Sarin behind us.

I glance in the rear view mirror at the man driving the car. He looks a bit distressed and glances back every now and then. Not at me though.

I turn my head so I can look back.

"Hey," I hear Reed beside me and I feel the cold metal from the gun being pressed against my head. This guy doesn't take any risks now.

"I'm just turning my head," I say annoyed.

"Um, Reed," the man driving says, "I think you should let her tell her car to slow down a bit".

Reed looks over his shoulder, "do it", he tells me.

I turn around. I see Sarin much closer than I expected. There's only about an inch between the two cars.

I can't help but smile slightly.

"You think you can keep an eye on us with five feet?" I say, I know it can hear me.

A bit reluctant, Sarin slows down a bit until the distance is exactly five feet.

I turn back around.

"You're welcome," I say. I only get a side glance from the driver.

"Do you mind if I ask what I've done?" I ask them.

"You have stolen information and a veficle from the government," Reed answers shortly, "but you already know that".

"Wait, what?" I stare at him, "that's what they told you?" I can't believe they lied about what happened. Or maybe I can believe that. "I did not steal Sarin, it came with me willingly by itself!"

"Oh, sure," Reed says, sounding completely uninterested in what I have to say.

"Information is what I don't have! You have the wrong information!" I'm getting more and more angry. It was worse enough to be chased by these people, and now they tell me I have stolen from the government.

"Calm down!" Reed shouts, but before he can say anything more, I put an elbow between his eyes and hit the gun out of his hand. It flies away somwhere. I've had enough.

"Whoa!" the driver shouts and steps on the break.

The car slows down rapidly, but not soon after, we get hit from behind, which causes the car to fly forward and hit the other car in front of us.

I bet that was on purpose.

After a while, I look around to notice that both cars have driven off the road.

The driver seems to be unconscious. I hear Reed groaning next to me. He seems to still be half gone after the hit I gave him.

I get the door open and get out. I run to the other car, which seems to have crashed into a big rock next to the road. I find Rebecka with her eyes closed, just like the other two people and Jed.

I drag her out of the car to the grass next to the road and try to make her stand up, but it's impossible. We end up falling instead.

Sarin catches up to us after getting out of the crash. It comes over onto the grass but the five-feet rocks surrounding us prevents it from reaching us completely.

"Come on Rebecka, we have to get out of here", I check her pulse, she's alive but it seems like she hit her head hard.

I make a quick decision that I'm going to have to carry Rebecka to Sarin, before the others wake up.

I'm just about to grab her arm again when I hear a sound behind me.

In the last second, I'm able to grab the arm that comes lounging towards me. Too late, however, I realize that an other arm swings around me and pulls me backwards. I can't move.

I see that the hand I'm holding, holds something containing a light orange liquid. In one of its ends, there is a needle.

I don't know what it is, I only know that I don't want it injected into my body.

"You have hit me for the last time," I hear Reed say behind me.

I try to twist free but he's too strong. We might fight on the same odds, but when it comes to strength, I hardly stand a chance.

I try to hold back the arm with the syringe, but my powers are running out.

A little ways away from us, Sarin seems to take a chance and charges towards the space between two rocks. It looks too narrow, but Sarin is already on its way. The sudden sound of bending metal makes Reed jerk backwards and I see my chance.

I manage to bend his arm away from me and dodge his other hand. I fall forward but manage to stay on my feet.

I see Sarin almost halfway through between the rocks, but it doesn't get any further. The metal on its sides is bent and torn. Its headlights crushed. The force it used has made it unable to move, though I still hear the racing  engine.

Both Reed and I stare shocked at Sarin. Then he gets his mind back and looks at me. He takes a new grip on the syringe.

"Reed, you have to believe me," I shout in a last attempt, "I didn't steal either Sarin or anything else, I don't even know who I am," I feel desperation take over my voice.

I see Reed in front of me. He looks down at the ground. When he looks up at me again he has a cold expression. He makes another dash towards me.

I do my best to fight back, but it's no use. Suddenly, I feel a stinging pain in my neck. I realize that I have lost.

I try to fight back with what's left of my powers, but my arms won't do what I want them to. Soon, I'm starting to lose my consciousness.

My vision is a blur. I see Reed as a shadow above me, I can't make out his face. I hear Sarin's engine start to tear apart.

I want to call out to my car, my friend. I want to tell it that we will be okay.

But I can't.

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