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Favourite Pokemon

^^Conversation with my friend^^


Aquarius: Pikachu - Glitchy Red (no idea why)

Pisces: Flabébé - Sally

Aries: Unown (there's no 'k') - Lost Silver

Taurus: Gardevoir - Jane

Gemini: Lucario - Dark Link (this is totes not related to my Jeff x readers latest chap........)

Cancer: Lugia - BEN Drowned

Leo: Victini - Sonic. EXE

Virgo: Charizard - Jeff (cause it mega strong and Jeff just wants to like 'one punch and boom'.....yes I said one punch lol punnnn-ish..)

Libra: Chansey - Lazari

Scorpio: Greninja - EJ

Sagittarius:  Absol - Laughing Jack

Capricorn: Reshiram - Ticci Toby

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