BEN Drowned x Libra reader

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Broken. That's the way it's almost always been. I'm now what? 16? I don't even care anymore. My life is so boring and no I'm not a depressed piece of shit. I just miss the way things used to be. By broken I don't mean myself but my laptop. I got it as a birthday present when I turned 9, it was my best friend or... my only friend. I do have friends, many actually but we aren't close. They don't understand me as well as my laptop did. But unfortunately my laptop had it by the time I was 12.

Fortunately yet unfortunately it's my birthday, fortunately as I have a chance to be given money to fix my laptop and unfortunately as I'm the attention for the day.

My aunt and uncle came over to my house as per usual since both of my parents died when I was 11 or 12 years old. I now live in their house, my parents house, my house.

"I bought you something you'll never forget!" My aunt said in a cheery voice "I'm guessing it's something that I'll never forget because of the stupidity of it" I exclaimed in a bored manner. "No need to be so gloomy, I got you a new laptop!" She exclaimed. "We" my uncle butted in "we got you a laptop".

When I saw it I expected it to be better than my old one but it was not as good and not as special. "I'm sorry but I want my old laptop" I said in a sad tone. "Oh" was all that was said before my aunt was in deep thought. "What if I return this laptop since it's unopened and use that money to fix your old laptop?" She said as if she was going to be bouncing up and down in a matter of seconds. "Really?! Yes!" I said showing my first sign of happiness throughout the day.

-2 days later-

I just got home and my laptop is fixed! I'm sure I have loads of photos and videos on this thing, and most importantly... GAMES!!

As soon as I got on I started to download Yandere simulator since I've been watching all of Yandere Dev's videos but not being able to play. While it was downloading I noticed something strange, my laptop was glitching. There were a few lines across the screen and the laptop was slow. After Yandere simulator downloaded it stopped and I assumed that it was because of how big the game is.

Afterwards I went onto steam and downloaded all of the must-haves such as Little Nightmares, Dream Daddy, FNAF etc. Then I downloaded minecraft and was satisfied. I started playing Yandere simulator and I saw that the game was VERY slow so I deleted it and downloaded it again with graphics not as good. It was a shame but the game was smoother.

After a few hours of playing (yes that's normal. I was on for almost 4 hours once tbh) I was sick and tired of this game as it kept on glitching and I was somehow teleporting all over the school without a button being pressed so I turned the game off. It was only then that I noticed my wallpaper from years ago.

It was a boy with dirty blonde hair, blood red eyes, a green hat and a complimenting grin from ear to ear. (Not literally. He's not Jeff)

I had no idea who he was and just assumed he was a random character I liked in the past. Yet after looking at the image for a few minutes I realised he looked a lot like Link from LOZ. I just thought to myself that he's another Dark Link clone or something.

Without realising I was looking at this image for at least 5 minutes. "Am I really that hot?" I heard a mumble "WHAT? WHO SAID THAT? I AM TRAINED WITH THE ART OF HYLIAN KARATE!" (Don't ask)
"You're funny, I like you" I heard it again. "Show yourself you retard" I demanded. "Go on" I could only just hear.

I did as told and went on cleverbot, only then did I realise who he was. "Ben" I uttered. "Yes?~" I heard him say as he came out of the shadows and into my view of light. "Ben!" I said hugging him like a child meeting their parents for the first time in years. "Miss me?" He asked. "Stop attempting to be suductive (is that how it's spelt?) it sucks and yes I did". "Missed ya too, sweetheart" he said as I death glared him. "Don't call me that" I demanded "Or what?~" he said like the retard he is. "I'll kill you" "Well I'm way stronger than you so I doubt it" he said obviously trying to get on my nerves. "Wanna fight?" I said "Les go'. FITE ME IN MARIO KART" he demanded. "AS LONG AS WE RACE ON RAINBOW ROAD" I shouted "NO. NOT THAT... ANYTHING BUT THAT" he screamed as if we were about to cry.

-then BEN started crying. Because you won? No. Stop being such Narcissists -.- you were tied (not together pervs) for 1st place-

"Well played... Novice..." BEN said "fuck no. I'm not a novice. TAKE ME ON RIGHT NOW. ONE FINAL RACE BITCH!" I shouted and BEN moved back slightly startled. "Fine. But we must play Bowser's Castle" "NO ANYTHING BUT THAT!!" I shouted. "Hehehe"


"Well played... Novi-" I said to BEN trying to use his words against him right before he smashed his lips onto mine "schut oop" (shut up) he mumbled as he kissed me. I soon found myself kissing him back before I pushed him back. "What was that for? You kissed me back remember?~" he said ATTEMPTING to SEDUCE me. "That is true" I said before pinning him down on the sofa/couch and proceeding to make out with him. "I lowve yooooooou" (I love you) he said while making out with me "schut oop" (shut up) I said.


Hey!! SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES! I haven't really been up to doing this tbh. I'll continue to try my hardest and I'm pretty happy with this x reader.

Also the next x reader will feature yo fav eyeless dood.


-Danika the person who is better than youuuu (joke)

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