1:01- BK vs. TB

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             The sound of her Louboutin heels clicking on the tiles could be heard as Dayana walked into the main entrance of Rand enterprise

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The sound of her Louboutin heels clicking on the tiles could be heard as Dayana walked into the main entrance of Rand enterprise. She smiled at the people passing her by, walking up to the lady at the front. Dayana never bothered to remember anyone who worked at front desk as they always seemed to change.

     "Good morning Ms. Montoya, should I let Mr. Meachum know you're here?" The receptionist asked her already knowing who the dark haired latina is, you'd be dead and fired if you didn't.

"It's okay I'm actually just dropping by some lunch and I'll be on my way. Thank you though."

      She greeted the guard as he opened the door for her. While waiting for the elevator she responded to some messages on her phone. At the sound of the bell she looked up to see security surrounding an oddly familiar looking man with a scruffy beard.Another homeless guy snuck in, was the first thought that popped in to her head.The man looked at her with wide eyes.

       "Daya? It's me Danny, Danny Rand!"

       Dayana jumped back startled and looked at the man with confusion. The guards instantly grabbed a hold of the man, pulling him out of the elevator.

     "We're very sorry Ms. Montoya, this won't happen again."

     She quickly nodded slightly scared as the man tried to get of their tight grips. Rushing into the elevator she scanned her ID and pressed a button as the doors shut. The last thing she saw was the man looking her in the eyes "Daya please!"

                                                ⚕         ⚕   

       The elevator doors opened and Dayana walked quickly into Ward's office, nodding briefly at Shannon. She shut the door as Ward looked up from the papers on his desk. He looked up from his work at the woman leaning against the door with her eyes closed.

     "Hey you okay?" Ward got up from his seat and walked over to her.

    " Yeah I'm fine.it's just..the weirdest thing just happened to me".

    "Trust me you don't know weird, until you hear what happened to Joy and I a couple minutes ago" he chuckled wrapping his arms around the girls small frame.

   "Does it have anything to do with a guy claiming to be Danny Rand"  She separated herself from him, wrapping her arms around herself feeling goosebumps trailing her up her body. Ward looked slightly confused at her sudden knowledge of the man.

"Did he approach you outside?" Ward asked her, anger evident in his tone

"I actually saw him when I was getting in the elevator, he said his name was Danny Rand and he knew my name." Dayana had to pause herself as she thought about the man from the elevator. It couldn't be possible, could it? "-How did he know my name Ward?"

" Look I don't know, I don't know ok. This guy came in claiming he was Danny and he knew our names too but I handled it" Dayana looked at him with a knowing look in her eyes "Ok I'm handling it"

"You promised me lunch you know, and I've yet to see a Burger King bag in your hand." Ward tried changing the subject to take her mind off the situation.

"Burger King" she let out a dramatic gasp, as he wrapped his arms back around her waist "Never in my life will I let you eat Burger King, you'll eat your Taco Bell and you'll like it"

This was completely shitty I'm sorry and there wasn't really much Dayana in the first episode, but I promise it will get better. I just wanted to get a little head start on the start of the show, episode two there will be more Dayana. This is also unedited just wanted to get a chapter out considering I haven't posted in a long ass time cause I'm a huge mess but enjoy 😊

 This is also unedited just wanted to get a chapter out considering I haven't posted in a long ass time cause I'm a huge mess but enjoy 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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