To make him Jealous. Chapter Six.

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Yay! My computer has internet again! So to celebrate, here is chapter six! :-)

During the entire concert all Niall could think about was the kiss he shared with Louis and how he wanted it to happen again. It may sound cliqué  but he felt the fireworks erupt in his stomach. He felt the spark between them. Basically it felt better than any of the girls he’d kissed before.

He was so distracted during the concert he almost forgot one of his lines. Almost. The other lads noticed his almost stuff up, but obviously didn’t bring it up right then. He knew, however Louis would mention it.


The concert had just finished and Louis was lying in the change rooms, just relaxing. They still had half an hour until they were able to board the bus and head to the next city, which would take another day or two travel. Usually they would have time to at least go out once, but this time the break between concerts was too little and the travel too big.

He was on Twitter on his phone, just looking at all his ‘@’ mentions. There were some about their concert, others about their new single, ‘Story of My Life’ and then of course just the general asking for a follow. He had to admit there were some creative tweets out there.

It was then when Harry walked into the room and plopped himself on the couch next to him. “Hey Lou,” Harry said, sounding exhausted.

“Hey Hazza. You sound exhausted.”

“Yeah. Concerts really take it out on a person. Especially a two hour one.”

“Tell me about it.” He closed the Twitter app on his iPhone and turned his full attention to Harry.

“So, I heard through the grapevine you and Niall had a little snog fest before the show.” Harry smiled. “I’m happy for the two of you.”

He didn’t really sound that happy. Louis decided it was best to stay oblivious to that fact. “Yeah. It came as a bit of a surprise, but I like him.” He didn’t even need to make himself pretend, which he thought was a bit strange. He thought he would have had to try and sound convincing. Then the kiss from earlier sprang back to his mind and he remembered why. You could like two people at once, right? Right! “But now we need to get you hooked up with someone. Who do you like at this moment? I’m sure they’ll like you in return.”

Harry shook his head. “I doubt it. The person I like is with some other guy. Maybe it won’t last long. Who knows.” He shrugged his shoulders. Louis noted Harry said person and not girl.

Feeling a bit confident, he smiled. “You should just go right ahead and tell the person. I’m sure they would ditch the guy for you. You’re a catch.”

Again Harry shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe,” he said. Louis figured even though he has recently discovered he likes Niall as well as Harry, he would stick to the plan. He had no way to tell if Niall returned his feelings and had a pretty good feeling Harry did. He just needed Harry to make the first move.

Just then Paul walked through the hallways, shouting at everyone to board the buses; they would be leaving in ten minutes. Louis and Harry stood up in unison and made their way towards the exit of the venue. The closer they got, the louder the screams got. This was their favourite part after the concert finished. Getting to meet some of their fans. They would stay all night if they could, just signing autographs, taking photos and having general talks with the people who got them where they are today. Without the fans, they wouldn’t be here, now.

Already there were the other three lads and Perrie. Perrie was getting equal attention. Obviously there were a lot of Directioners that were also Mixers.

Eventually they had to stop signing and taking photos, when Paul literally dragged them away. “Sorry,” he said once he had them all in the bus. “We have to leave. We’ll be in Edinburgh soon enough. More fans to sing for and sign for.” He left the bus and made his way to the other one.

Louis turned and smiled at Niall, whom returned one to him. “So, you almost messed up on ‘Kiss You’.” He chuckled as Niall blushed.

“Shut up!” he said and playfully shoved the older boy.

“Oh, someone’s a bit feisty, tonight.” He shoved the blonde harder and took off running. Niall, once he regained his footing followed him, running throughout the bus. Finally Louis stopped running, to catch his breath. He turned around and stuck his hands up, as if to say ‘I give up. You win’, but Niall didn’t notice until it was too late. He ran right into him and the two went flying into the couch, Louis landing first with Niall landing on top.

They both started laughing, Niall’s face mere inches from Louis’. To them, they were the only ones in the room, both just staring into each other’s eyes. Niall didn’t have to think twice when Louis lifted his head and connected their lips.

Too preoccupied with each other, they didn’t notice the other four pairs of eyes watching them. Zayn and Perrie happy. Liam and Harry jealous.

To make him Jealous. [Nouis]Where stories live. Discover now