Chapter 1 - Love at First Book

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~ Janine Adams' POV ~

"Okay class, that's all for today! Please come back tomorrow with your assignments completed," my professor finally said after two and a half hours of pure agony.

I packed up all of my stuff and ran out of the classroom as fast as my legs would take me. Bookstore. Bookstore. Bookstore. That was the only word floating through my head as I was running.

"Come on! Come on!" I mumbled impatiently under my breath, waiting for the stoplight to turn green. I looked across the street, and there it was, my favorite place in the world: the bookstore. Finally, the light turned green.

"Yes!!" I shouted, while dashing across the street and into the bookstore.

Looking around me I see shelves and shelves of books, organized by genres, as I walk towards the romance section. Scanning my eyes at the bookshelf for over 5 minutes, I finally spot the book I've been searching for. There it is. The book I've been looking for. I pull the book out of the shelf and examine it, admiring it. Okay, I'm done. No more staring. I hug the book close to my chest, walking to the check-out section, when suddenly I run into a wall and fall to the ground. Ugh, walls suck. I'm so clumsy. This is so embarrassing, I can't believe I ran into a wall.

I hear a chuckle and a voice says, "I'm not a wall."

I gasp. Did I say that out loud?

"Yes, you did," the voice answers.

I mentally slap myself. I have to stop saying my thoughts out loud. I'll make a mental note of that. Back to reality! Okay wait, so if it's not a wall, then what is it?

I turn my head and when I look up, I see that it is indeed not a wall, but a guy, who might I add, is incredibly sexy, with the most mesmerizing eyes I've ever seen. Snapping out of my trance, my face flushes red out of embarrassment for calling him a wall and staring at him.

"Let me help you up," he says.

"Huh? Oh, thanks," I snap out of my thoughts and take his hand to pull myself up. I grab my book from the ground, then look back at him, noticing that he has a book in his hands.

"What's that book you're holding?" I ask him out of curiosity.

Now it's his turn to be embarrassed. He looks down and mumbles incoherent words that you wouldn't hear unless you listened really hard. He was holding a romance book. I stared at him for a few seconds and burst out laughing.

"I-it's not for me!!! It's for my little sister," he says, to clear up any misunderstandings.

I stop laughing and when I look at his face expression, I notice that he's really telling the truth. He's serious.

"AWWWW, that's so cute," I coo at him.

He ignores me and continues, "It's her birthday next week, so I decided to buy her a book since she loves reading and she has been talking about this book for about the longest time."

"I wish my big brother was like that," I mumble under my breath hoping he didn't hear.

I clear my throat, "Sooooo, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to call you a wall or anything... I mean I thought you were one because it really felt like one... Wait! I didn't mean that you felt like a wall..." stop talking Janine! Just shut up. You're making it worse!

He stares at me for moment, not saying a single word, then smiles. Oh what a beautiful smile. I was mesmerized.

"Well, if you're so sorry, why not make it up to me by having coffee with me at the coffee shop across the street?" He's talking to me. Oh no, what did he say? I got distracted by his smile. Janine! Get a hold of yourself! He's just a guy.

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