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What am I doing? Seriously.
I'm on the back of a motorcycle with a complete stranger. Granted he's a six foot tall super hot stranger.
I still don't know him.
If Ariel hadn't of assured me that she would call the police if she didn't hear back from me I wouldn't be so nervous because he actually seems like a really nice guy.
Also the motorcycle is a nice touch.
When my parents responded with a big fat no to my text I was a little bummed but dating a guy on a bike would be just as good. Whoa wait. Dating ? Did I really just think that.
Slow down girl.

We were pulling up down a very long driveway literally in the middle of no where. All I could see were woods and a doublewide trailer.
Oh lord. This is where I die.
He got off the bike and took in my worried expression.

"Look before you think a million terrible things. I need to tell you why I chose to live out here." He took a deep breath then continued.
"My parents died a few years"
I could feel my jaw drop but I quickly recovered so he would know it was fine to go on.

"Ever since then I've been jumping foster home to foster home. I got kicked out of my last one for something I didn't do but luckily since I turned 18 I was able to get the money my parents left me and this was the only place in my price range."

I feel like such a jerk now. How could I make him feel like he had to explain that to me? To prove that I was okay with it I walked right up to his house and waited for him to unlock the door.  He looked a little surprised but then he smiled at me and let us inside.

It was surprisingly very nice.
Tidy for an 18 year old boy.
No dishes in the sink, and I was particularly fond of the bookcase he had jam packed with novels.
He has all the harry potter books?
10 points to Shawn!

We spent the rest of the time talking about out likes and dislikes and simply just learning about eachother.
I found out that he loves music. He always wanted to have his own piano to teach himself to play but the homes never had one and he never had the money. I assured him that one day he would and the smile he gave me in return made my heart squeeze.

I sent my parents a quick text telling them I would be staying the night at Ariels. I couldn't tell them I was sleeping at a boys house who I just met today could I? It was past midnight and Shawn had fallen asleep while we were watching a movie so I decided to just stay instead of wake him. I wandered to the other end of the house and found what I assume is his bedroom. I'm sure he won't mind if I sleep in here since he's on the couch.

I crawled into his bed and was overwhelmed by how amazing it smelled. Wow that's not creepy at all Presley. I rolled over and closed my eyes and dreamt of the boy with the ocean eyes.

Hey guys!!!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Ill be writing more and adding a few chapters soon. Ideas and feedback are welcome. Remember this is my first story so nothing too harsh ! Haha
Bye guys 👋 👋

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