The move.

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" what's going on?"
I approached the table a little hesitantly. My mom wouldn't even look at me when I sat down.

"Can someone say something please I'm getting scared!" they said they wanted to talk but why is no one talking. What is going on?

"Sweetheart. I'm just gonna say this bluntly. Were moving away and we think it's unsafe for you to come with us."
What? Unsafe ? Moving? Wait a minute. "What are you saying?"
"What we are trying to say is that.. We think it would be for the best if you stayed behind Presley. I know this all seems confusing but its safer for you not to know."
What the actual hell? My parents wants to leave me behind and I don't even know why? What do they mean it's safer ? I sat there for a minute waiting to see if this was just a joke. Or perhaps a dream. I pinched my arm to test this theory.
Still here. I didn't wake up in my bed.
I'm still here at the table with my parents who now have tears running down their face.
"We know you must be confused and were sorry for that. This is all my fault I shouldn't have messed with this business and ---"

"Jay"  my mother placed a hand on my dads shoulder warning him with her eyes.

"Where am I supposed to stay?"
This just occurred to me. I sure as hell didn't want to stay here alone. I didn't want to stay at all to be honest.
"We were hoping you could stay with Ariel but her parents are never home and I don't want two girls home alone while we are away. So we were hoping that Shawn would take you in. We have already spoke to him and----"
"Whoa wait what??? Shawn knows about this ??"
Shawn knew about this and didn't tell me ? How could he?
I could feel my eyes stinging but I held back the tears. I'm too angry to cry.

"We only just spoke to him this morning. He said he would be more than willing as long as you are okay with it. He is a fine young man and we are so happy you found someone to take care of you."
Realization. Is this why my parents were acting weird when I first brought him home ?
They wanted someone to keep me safe while they were away??
"How long have you known you were leaving?"
My mother started to cry and my dad took her hand.
"About a month. We started getting threats and ---"

*knock knock knock*
The knocks at the door annoyed me.
Threats ? What business ?
"Mom what was dad talking about?"
"Its best you don't know the rest sweetie. I'm sorry."
She got up and walked to other side of the room to pick up...suitcases ???
What? I looked over to my dad seen Shawn and another man at the door.
"The taxi is here love. Time for goodbye"
What no!

"You're leaving now?? You can't. I need you please don't go"
I ran to my dad and wrapped my arms tightly around him. I couldn't stop the tears now. Or I should say sobbing.
I could hardly see because I was blinded by the tears that soaked my dads shirt. I could feel someone behind me pulling me away.
They said something but I couldn't hear. The ringing won't stop. My head is spinning. Then suddenly nothing.


I opened my eyes and didn't know where I was. Why is it so dark?
This isn't my floral wallpaper.
I sat up too quickly and pain shot threw my head.

"Not so fast. You've been asleep for awhile"
I jumped and looked beside me. Shawn lay there shirtless and tired eyed looking at me. I'm in Shawns bed? Oh my god.
My parents.

"Where are they, I have to go say goodbye, I still have so many questions though."

I hopped off his bed and started for the door but I felt Shawn grab my hand. I turned and looked back at him. He looked upset.
"Presley. They left. After you passed out they said they had to catch a flight and said they would call when its safe."
They're gone...
They actually left without saying goodbye to me.
Broken. Confused. Betrayal.
What is happening ?
Is this what Shawn meant about being happy and it being ripped away suddenly? Its so painful.
My parents are still alive but they're gone and I don't know why or for how long..
Shawn opened his arms to me and I crashed into him and held him close.
I'm so grateful to have him.
He is keeping me from falling apart again. I want to scream and cry but what good would it do?
"I love you Shawn."
" I love you too babe."
We laid in his bed for awhile just holding eachother before I finally decided we should get up. I needed air. Maybe I should go see Ariel. Its been a few days and she doesn't know what's happened. I need some girl time to cheer me up.
I let Shawn know of the plan he agreed and seemed happy that I actually wanted to leave the house.
I threw on one of Shawns oversized white shirts because mine had mascara stains on it.
I looked in the mirror and was a little shocked at the person looking at me.
Puffy red eyes and makeup all over my face. This is not me.I'm stronger than this. My parents trusted me to be okay on my own and moping around isn't going to help. I wiped off all the makeup and fixed my hair and I smiled at myself. I can do this. Everything will be fine and back to normal soon. I seen Shawn looking at me through the mirror and his smile matched mine. As long as I have him by my side I'm positive I will be okay. Right?

Hey guys hope you liked it! Probably won't update again til tomorrow!
Vote if you like it.

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