Story 1: Gunshot

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The cold blade against her throat forced Lila Mclain to stay silent, even though she felt the tears slipping down her cheeks, and the muffled sobs that came through the rag. Not daring to look into her captors eyes Lila stared off into the darkness of the warehouse. She almost jumped into the balde of the knife when the doors were pushed open with a resonating sound, but her eyes hardened when she saw who entered. Former Detective, Former Friend, Former Godfather - Micheal Reurn. 

"The money was dropped. 50 thousand, just like you requested." Micheal spoke roughly, staring at the scarred Lila tied to the chair, a pain of regret in his heart for ever taking this undercover job.

"Good. I knew kidnapping the Police Cheifs daughter was a good call, those types of fathers will do anything to get their daughter back!"

"Ya whatever. Let's go, we have the money and Lila's location will arrive to the precinct anytime now." The unknown man nodded. Lila felt the bonds tighten around her wrist, and let out a long breath when the knife was taken away from her throat. The man stepped a few feet away before stopping.

"What?" Micheal asked wearily. "Lets go!" The madman chuckled. and Lila felt her blood run cold as he turned a gun on her, focusing it on her head. 

"She's seen our faces. The cheif will have to deal with the loss of a daughter, sorry sweetheart!" At that moment Lila felt the terror of knowing your about to die, but someone thought it wasn't the time.

When a gunshot rang out Lila flinched, ready for death. But no darkness or pain came. Looking up she saw the small splatter of blood on the Unknown's cheek. Then she saw the hold in the middle of his chest. Lila gasped as he fell onto the floor, looking up after he had died to see Micheal with gun in his hand. 

"Sorry....partner." He spoke the last work with hatred. As soon as he took on step towards Lila light's and sirens filled the air. Micheal dropped the gun and raised his hands, smling at Lila.

"I'm sorry." He spoke quietly as the doors flew open on more time. SWAT officers filled in the room, some scouting the room, four or five surrounding Lila, one walking to untie Lila.

"CLEAR!" A voice rang out, but Lila had started to loose focus, she had no idea who these men were, and she froze when she felt someone fiddiling with the bonds around her wrist. They finally came loose as someone called her name.

"LILA!" Said girl turned her attention to the door and everything became clear. The tears started falling again as she lept out of the chair, pulled the rag out her mouth and ran forward.


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