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"Okay, so like, you know, I mean-"

"Teresa, tell me what the fuck happened."

"I was getting to it!"

"Oh sure. We'll be in Iraq by the time you 'get to it'."


"Shut up and tell me!"

"IwenttoapartyandaguysuffocatedmeandImadehimpukeandranaway." Teresa sighed, leaning back against the seat.

"Okay." I pulled over. "Okay. Try again because I have no fucking idea what you're saying."

"I went to a dumb party, and I was swimming, and this guy drowned me a little-"

"Drowned you?!" I screeched.

"A little. And then I stuck my hand in his mouth, to make him gag, and he threw up in his dumb fancy pool and I ran away."

I sighed, pinching my earlobe and tugging on it. "If it was dumb, why did you go?"

She shrugged. "Because my dumb friends wanted me to go."

"They're dumb?"

"Oh, totally dumb."

"Extra dumb?" I smirked.

"Very dumb." 

"Dumb like the party?"

"Well they wanted to go to the dumb party, so they are obviously dumb."

"Okay, on a scale of trigganometry to homophobia, how dumb are they?"

"Hmm, I'd say about... straight white boys wearing basketball shorts even when it's cold." We both laughed our asses off, and I pulled onto the road and drove into nowhere, blasting the heat on Teresa.

"I can't go home." Teresa broke the steady silence.

"I can. But I don't want to." 

"Let's stay in a motel." Teresa yawned, and she looked like a puppy falling asleep for the first time. Goddammit.

I arched my eyebrows, "Are you sure?"

"Zayn, I'm tired and still a bit cold and cuddling sounds like a darn great idea to me." She yawned again, and I really wished I'd broken out the video camera to capture it.

I smiled the whole way to the motel, because Teresa was currently yawning and cuddling sounded like a darn great idea to me too.


I woke up before Teresa and pulled some pillows out of my way, including the one Teresa had snatched and practically suffocated during the night. Just before I could get out of bed, sleeping Teresa rolled over and snatched my waist, clutching me for dear life and burrying her face in my chest like she'd done with her assaulted pillows.

My skin felt like it was on fire and my heart was beating a million times per minute, a red blush creeping to my cheeks. I really didn't know what to do, and it took me a grand ten minutes to situate myself in Teresa's firm hold before I decided to just go back to sleep.

I woke up again to the ticklish feeling of Teresa tracing my tattoos.

"I didn't know you had more tattoos." She grinned sheepishly. "I have a tattoo."

My eyes widened. "What the fuck? No you don't."

"No." She blushed, "but I'm going to get one. It's going to be a lizard, because lizards are my dad's favorite animals of all time, and it'll look cool, and why the heck not?"

I almost started crying because fucking Teresa wanted a fucking lizard tattoo because quote un-fucking-quote 'why the heck not?'.

"You're so great." I smile, pulling her into a hug.

"You're really cheesey. But great too."

She brushed her teeth, we checked out of the motel, and all too soon, we were back in my car.

"Do Zayn, do you, want to, like, like the movies, or something or whatever?" Teresa sputtered, fiddling with her hands.

"You mean like a date?"

"Well, I mean, I guess-"

"I don't think you want to do that."

"I think I do."

"You think you do, but you don't." I sighed. I couldn't drag Teresa into my world; I lived in my own little igloo separated from the rest of the human race, all because they'd stuck me in there.

"Zayn. I. Do."

"Teresa, if you are connected with me in any way, people will shut you out, people will talk shit about you, people will hurt you as best they can."

"Zayn, I'm pretty 'connected' with you." Teresa smirked, not really getting my message. Fuck.

"People hate me, Teresa. But everyone loves you. Your whole fucking world will be screwed."

"Do you care what other people think about you?" She blurted.

"Nope." I said, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

"Do you think other people should?"


"Then why do you think I care what every idiot in this town thinks of me?" She finally turned to look at me, her big blue eyes glowering.

"I don't want you getting shit." I fiddled with my cigarette.

"My friends are obnoxious and have grown self-centered. Everyone at school has labeled me. If they want to shut me out and not speak to me, I would not mind at all." Teresa kept staring me down, like I was a child who'd just told his mother she was stupid. I was at a loss for words. Teresa was fully aware of the things people say about her, fully aware of how bitchy her friends were, and she was still nice to everyone. She still said hello to strangers in the halls who had just gossiped about her eating disorder, she still went to dumb parties because her friends wanted to. And now she was willing to become an even bigger target, all for me, who hadn't talked to her until three weeks ago. 

"I would fucking love to go to the movies or something or whatever." I smiled like the cheshire cat and drove her home to get changed.

A/N wowowow another hella short chapter I guess thats how this is gonna go some long some short mkay whatever

I actually love teresa I think shes like a kick ass puppy that smells like flowers and makes you wanna be nice to people but then shes like surprise im fucking gr9

I hate when I try putting in 'sweetheart' or 'princess' bc then I start thinking ziolet or nabbey and ugh the str(ugh)le

well nothing much 2 say here byebyebyebyebeybeybeybeyyyyyyyyyyyeeee xx af

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