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"Mum, I'm home!" I called, dropping my keys on the ring and pivoting towards the stairs, only to be stopped by my widely grinning mother.

"You never told me you had a girlfriend, Zayn!" I was genuinely surprised that her face was still in tact and not ripped to shreds from her enormous smile.

"I don't?" I chuckled awkwardly and took an apple from the counter.

"And yet, we've been invited over to Teresa Guill's house for dinner." She jabbed a manicured nail at my chest.

"She's a friend, Mum. Just 'as a crazy aunt, is all."

"Sure, sure. Her 'crazy aunt' is the reason her father called and insisted we eat with them." My mother looked quite smug as she took my apple and bit into it.

"Crazy dad?" I tried. It was no use; Dear Aunt Pelly had convinced the world that Teresa and I were in love.

"Go change, boy." She swatted the air around my shoulders. "Wear those jeans Doniya bought you last month. And shave your face! For once, heavens-" She mumbled on as I flew up the stairs.


Dinner at Teresa's house was awkward. Deeply and utterly awkward.

The car ride there was full of questions about how I met Teresa and the usual nosey parenting. That bit was expected. What was unexpected was when we pulled up to the address and noticed the house was pink.

Then the evening really started when her father opened the door with a cheery smile and a "Ye' made it! Kit, Pel, they made it!" He was thin with hair the same color as Teresa's, and he was dressed in a green sweater vest and I could picture myself making a comment about and Teresa blushing and oh God.

Teresa's dad ("George, call me George!") carted us into the next room, where Pelly was bustling about in the small kitchen and a slightly younger woman was setting eight places at the dining table. An ordinary scene, I suppose, (minus Pelly's excited squeals) except that the other woman (who's name I later learned to be Kitty) stood next to a large green oxegyn tank with spiraling pipes ending in her nostrils.

My mother's eyes faltered for just a second before she smiled warmly at the pair, and all three women englufed each other in bone crushing hugs- it almost seemed like they were trying to out-hug one another.

"You must be Trisha!"

"Oh my, you look so young!"

"What blusher do you use? It looks so natural!"

Not a word was said about Kitty's tank, and I liked it. I'm guessing I appreciated how my parents knew to avoid the pity stare, or maybe they just had it sent their way enough to hate it as much as I did.

Soft footsteps echoed down the stairs, and we all turned to see a scrambling Teresa in a pale blue dress that looked like a really long T-shirt. Her hair wasn't pinned back with a bow, and she didn't have any shoes on.

"Pelly, did you take my purple-" She tripped mid-sentence over her own two feet (which were a little too big for her body, which I found pretty cute). She crashed into my chest and I gripped her forearms to keep her from falling. She sighed before realizing the situation and slowly bobbed her head up to meet my eyes.

And we were sort of having a moment- a conversation with our eyes, if you will- and right then, Pelly let out the loudest, most high-pitched squeal I had ever heard. Teresa backed off of my chest and turned to the room of dreamy-eyed women and two proud (?) looking men.

"Hello, I'm so sorry I'm not quite finished getting ready." Teresa addressed politely, before flying up the stairs, completely abandoning her stolen purple whatever.

"Oh, she's so beautiful!" Mum cried. I think there were tears swelling in her eyes.

"Isn't she?" Kitty echoed, and soon enough the three women were deep in conversation about all things Teresa. After an awkward interview with both of our dads, I was left to stand alone. It was just so weird and I considered roaming the house to pretend I wasn't so alone, until a little asian boy came running up to me and motioned for me to come down to his height.

"Are know with my cousin?" He whispered, and my eyes grow wide.

"Uh, what do you mean?" I chuckled nervously as he rolled his eyes.

"You know," He sighed, and then mouthed something that looked a lot like 'kissing'. I smirked.

"Not at the moment, no." I laughed and he covered his ears and shut his eyes, shaking his head back and forth.

"You are nasty, then." He gritted his baby teeth together.

Teresa came bounding back down the stairs, but this time her blonde hair was curled and bowed and she donned strappy wedge heels. The purple whatever that Pelly apparently took turned out to be lip gloss. I never even knew they made purple lip gloss, nor did I ever imagine someone could look that good wearing it.

"Oh, go away, Mike." She rolled her eyes at the boy in front of me.

"So you two can kiss? Nope, that's weird. I'm performing a public service just by standing here." He crossed his arms, looking quite proud. Teresa kissed my cheek. Mike was gone in a matter of seconds.

"Sorry. He's annoying." She rolled her eyes again and I laughed.

"No, he's great."

"Teresa! I love your shoes, and my, you're just so gorgeous!" My mother came and quite literally swept Teresa away, and I was once again, alone.

A/N I forced myself to update for harry's birthday<333 I mean I'm sad he's growing up and all but he had to turn 5 someday you know???


but this chapter is literally so shitty lolol ik I'm rushing it ugh I just wanna get through the beginning the middle and end are the best parts ok

and these chapter names have literally nothing to do with the story what the fuck aubrey

yayayayyy I have like 17 followers now thanks thanks thanks thats probably nothing to like every other person in the world but last month I had like 10 so yay 2 of them are actually the same person but shes gr9 so idc if all of them are secretly her

my authors notes are weird and random and a bit fucked so bye

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