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"You sure you wanna do this?" A chill goes down my spine as he bites my neck. I manage a nod and a moan.

He started to unclasp my bra as he did so. My hands ruffled through his hair, pulling it softly as he-

I jerked up as I realized it was a dream. "Fuck..." I muttered to myself. I'd stayed up all night and fell asleep reading fanfiction again..

"7:30" My alarm clock read. School started at 8:00. That's like telling a guy he's got 30 seconds to "do it".

I ripped off my sheets and changed quickly. I applied a little bit of makeup, brushed through my long, brunette hair and rushed downstairs to find my mom and dad eating breakfast. "Up late, huh?" My dad said, looking up from his newspaper.

"You guys didn't wake me up!" I complained.

"Thought you were already at school! You never wake up late." My mom shrugged.

I scoffed, and grabbed a bagel from the table. I picked up my backpack and headed for school.

I rushed through the halls just seconds before the bell rang. I must've not been looking, because I bumbed into someone and all my science notes (and other books) spilled onto the floor.

"Oh, shit.." I heard a deep voice say. "Uh, sorry.." He said. He kneeled down to grab my stuff. I recognized him as Dylan Minnette. World-class playboy.

"No, it's my fault, I wasn't looking.." He handed me my stuff.

"Hey.. wanna hang out later?" He put his hands in his pockets.

"I bump into you once and now you want to hang out with me? Is this some sort of trick to hook up with me?"

"Pshh.. no..." He blushed.

"I bet you don't even know my name." I frowned.

"Of course I do! Uh..." The bell rang just as he was about to say my "name".

"Saved by the bell." He smirked. "Catch you later.. Meet me at the courtyard after school?"

Before I had time to object. He flashed a smile and two hand-guns at me and walked to class. Flustered, I just walked away to first period.

*Time skip brought to you by the amazing GEICO! 15 minutes will definitely not save you 15% or more on car insurance! (Definitely not sponsored)*

I stared down at my phone trying not to look like an idiot as I waited for Dylan. I'm so stupid.. I thought. He isn't going to show.

Just as I said that, guess who walked up? "Hey!" I looked up to see his perfect smile looking down at me. "See something you like?" He bit his lip. I know he's a player, but he's so fucking hot...

"Uh.." I looked down, obviously flustered again. "Even though we've only talked, like, twice, you always seem to take the words right out of my mouth."

"Twice? C'mon, we've talked more than that.." He grabbed my hand. I immediately pulled away.

"Listen, if that's what you wanna do, I've got better things to waste my time on..."

"You know how many girls would kill to be in your position?" He leaned against the wall.

"Fine. You've got two hours." I crossed my arms.

Mr. Playboy (Dylan Minnette/Clay Jensen/13 Reasons Why)Where stories live. Discover now