Chapter 11: It's up to you what you do

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Although Taehyung didn't hate Hoseok for what he did, as he was a good friend to him, he felt like it wasn't he that needed to forgive him, it was Jungkook.

"Hoseok, I don't hate you," Taehyung began, "but it's not up to me who needs to forgive you, it's Jungkookie."

Hoseok's gaze dropped immediately at what he said; he knew he wouldn't be forgiven when it came to Jeon Jungkook. "What do you reckon I do? Talk to him?"

"Jungkook is sometimes a bit hot-tempered, but he's understandable. If I'm there with him when you talk to him and explain yourself, he won't at least throw a fit at you. Maybe he'll forgive you, but it's really up to him, and I'm not gonna try and convince him otherwise."

Hoseok nodded.

The males proceeded to head back to Taehyung's dorm and when he finally opened the door and was the first one to enter, Jungkook's eyes was glued to him, a smile appeared on his innocent sweet face, but when he walked further in and the other male followed behind him, his smile faded, and it turned into a glare.

He got up on his feet immediately and ran over towards Taehyung like he needed to be protected, or he made him stand in between them so he wouldn't fight him. "What is he doing here?" he snapped.

"He's here to talk," Taehyung said calmly, but Jungkook didn't seem to have liked that idea.

"He can get the hell away from me," he barked, but Taehyung turned towards him right away with a glare.

"No, you're gonna listen to him, then it's up to you what you do," he scolded him, then grabbed his hand and lead him to his bed, and motioned for his friend to sit on the opposite one.

After Jungkook had listened to Hoseok's side of the story, he had calmed down, but he still didn't quite understand the situation they had in front of them.

"So, you're telling me that you did it because you're in love with Taehyung, and it was your last attempt to make him yours, and now you believe we're together?" he asked in conclusion.

Hoseok nodded in shame, but Jungkook didn't remove his frown off his face.

"It doesn't really make much sense to me," he said, "if you truly cared for Taehyung hyung, you would let him do whatever that would keep him happy. Why try to ruin my life? It wasn't like we were friends before your messed up plan."

Hoseok avoided meeting the younger's gaze as he was afraid his glare would eat up him. "I already knew you'd get closer even without my help - I mean bad plan," he explained himself, "everything Taehyung did was to talk about and how he regretted the video we did, and he wanted to do anything to make you forgive him. At first he said he didn't care, but he must've cared more than he realised himself."

Taehyung subtly glared at him, which Jungkook noticed. "What is it hyung?" he asked quietly.

"Nothing," he muttered.

Jungkook stood up and paced around as he was thinking; after finally making up his mind, he said, "I'll forgive you Hoseok, but remember this: I'm not your friend."

Taehyung had stood up as well, but he didn't say anything. Hoseok still remained on the bedside with his head down, almost looking to be crying, but no tears had dropped.

"You can go now Hoseok," Taehyung said softly, as he grabbed him by his arm and lead him towards the door, "I'll text you later."

Jungkook didn't like the idea that Taehyung was on the other's side. Why wasn't he trying to calm him down? Why was he being soft all of the sudden towards the other? Did he forget what had happened between them the night before?

Hoseok had left their shared room, but the blond male still remained silent as stood still by the door with his back against the younger one.

"What are you doing?" he asked, sounding more harsh than he intended, but he admitted he was pissed.

"What am I doing?" he asked with a frown, "I'm being compassionate towards my friend who did a big mistake, but still tried his best to receive forgiveness, something that clearly didn't reach you."

"Didn't reach me?" Jungkook mocked, "and what was supposed to reach me? Him regretting what he did? I even said I'll forgive him!" he yelled at the elder.

Taehyung scuffed. "You clearly haven't when all you've done is to kill him with your glare and spit in his face!"

"I did forgive him! I just don't want to be friends with him. You can go ahead and play lovey-dovey with him all you want, but I don't want him closer to me than five feet," Jungkook argued back, "and why are you defending him all of the sudden? Just the other day you yelled at him in my defense. What made you change your mind?" he asked hurt.

"It's because I'm on both of your side," he said, "I can't be biased here when there's obviously a story to each side. I can't abandon you when you're the victim and is the person that was hurt the most, but I can't abandon Hoseok either as he's my friend from high school, and I've treated him so badly these years I have to make up for it," he explained.

Jungkook stared at him before replying. "It feels more like you're actually abandoning me," he muttered, but Taehyung rolled his eyes, then he walked up to him. The black haired male stood still, slightly frowning at him as he approached him.

Jungkook thought Taehyung was going to yell at him some more, maybe even hit him to 'get his senses back' or come with a snarl remark, but he did neither of those things. He kissed him. He actually kissed him on the lips.

"W-W-What are you - you doing?" he stuttered flustered.

"You think I've abandoned you?" he asked, his voice being all raspy and deep, "as I recall from last night, that doesn't match the word 'abandoned', and I just kissed you. Do you still feel abandoned?

"B-But why did you kiss me?" he stuttered some more, red all over his face. It literally feels like my face is on fire.

"To prove to you I'm supporting you and are more on your side, but you gotta realise you're a bit childish as I'm showing sympathy towards my friend," Taehyung smirked, "or do you want me all for yourself?"

Jungkook tried to play it off coolly whilst rolling his eyes and shaking his head, but mentally he agreed. He did want the blond elder for himself.

"Is that only why you kissed me?" he asked sadly. He didn't want Taehyung to kiss him to 'prove' something. He wanted him to kiss him because he wanted to, because he certainly wanted to.

"Not really," the elder admitted, "I've felt the urge to kiss you lots of times, but I figured to take it slow."

"You call this slow? You call last night slow?" Jungkook mocked teasingly.

Taehyung giggled. "I guess not," he chuckled, "do you want to go faster then?"

Jungkook blushed whilst forcing himself to stare in the other's eyes. "Yes."


Shorter than usual, sorry, I'll update sooner too .xx

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