So, here it is...
My first attempt at telling a story digitally!
This will end horribly...
So, a quick introduction...
This story is technically an adaptation...
But of a story/AU/What the hipsters call it these days... THAT I HAVE NEVER REALLY DONE YET... I (still) plan on making a Game out of this...
Before we start, I don't say any names at first...
It will make sense later...
Long ago, A human living amongst animals decided to become a totalitarian dictator...
Obviously, he never was successful...
But... This is not his story, is it now ?
No, this is a story of actually quite a few people or at least animals...
The area around has become treacherous and desolate, massive machines towering above the citizens of this small southern town making it a dump...
Fires towering high above...
Debris falling...
Home is... no more...
A purple hedgehog is running while carrying her 2-year old magenta daughter from one of the many massive machines towering above her. Her 6-year old Green Son is strenuously sprinting to keep up, unlike the over-athletic 7-year old royal blue who has litterally no trouble at all... for now. Unfortunately, The Blue Speedster could not find his father. He couldn't ask his mother in the midst of the mayhem. They all found they're way into a small space consisting of an old office which became a safe-haven, except for the blue boy... He headed straight for the office when suddenly, it collapsed and consumed his family.
"NO!!!" The blue boy shouted. He lost the only thing he had in life, his family. It was gone, forever. The blue orphan fell to his knees with hands flat out palms firmly pressing against the earth, Tears seeping from his eye(s) knowing that there was nothing left. One of the innumerable robots targeted him and pointed its arm cannon and was charging up its high powered lazer-driven weapon. The royal blue spinner slowly started to close his eyes, knowing what the mech had come to do.
Just as the apparatus was about to fire and the blue hoglet's eyes were almost shut, a streak of orange and white aurora struck his line of view. Before the hegdehog could even think, he was moved far from the explosion. He gazed in awe at this. "Am I Dead?" The blue boy asked himself aloud.
"No" A younger voice responded, He turned his head to see the voice belonging to a smaller-than-he-was orange fox cub wearing large black goggles with red lining (accompanied by a yellow tint on the "eyepiece"), and also wearing a strange bracelet on his wrist with a glowing white ring attached with a four-pointed star.
"Wow, who... who are you" the blue boy said. To which the pup responded with "I'm Miles". The blue hegdehog responded, " uh...uh... I am err... um... Obadiah (YES IT IS SONIC)". "Cool Name" The kit responded. Without warning at all, an explosion set-off... startling the hoglet and the pup knocking them to their feet. Suddenly, A small lumpy hat floats onto the hoglet's head.
"Nice hat, Obadiah" the kit chimed. "Uh, thanks?" The hoglet uttered.
Another much explosion went off, "We should go" Miles said.
"Good Idea" Obadiah responded
So the two partial-friends moved out, to who knows where...Find out more when I upload the second installment of...
Sonic Fortress
FanfictionThe World has been through epic turmoil. One Man wants it all. But, that One Man just won't ever conquer the world. Money Aside, one force will stop at nothing to end his reign.