Chapter 10

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     Today was the day the we fight Quirrell or as they think Snape which I know as a fact is not true. He is one of the teachers who are trying to protect the stone. Plus I know all about what happened at the quidditch match and how Quirrell tried to kill Harry and Snape was trying to save him. Snape also told me that he decided to referee the next match was to stop Quirrell from trying to hurt Harry again. But Dumbledore was there so so there was no need. I still don't understand why Quirrell would want to hurt Harry. It makes absolutely no sense! I mean he's a teacher at Hogwarts what would make him want to hurt a student? I have so many questions and I need answers I would talk to Snape but what about the trio? This is why my life is so hard.

     ( Small Time Skip Cuz I Can )

     I was bored so I left my room to get something to eat. I walked down to the Great Hall and got some fish and chips but the were out so I just skipped lunch. I then sat down by Mione to just talk to her. I still haven't fully forgave any of them but I will act like it for a while. I guess now I understand why I was put in Slytherin. I then get up and leave for the library just to get caught up on my reading and finish all of my homework just in case. Once I finished that I was really tired and decided to take a nap so I left the library and went to m room put everything away and turned off the lights and fell into a peaceful ish sleep.

( Time Skip so I don't bore you all to death before we even get to the good parts )

     I woke up and it was time for dinner lucky for me! Because I skipped lunch which was not a smart thing to do. But I did and now I'm eating dinner to make up for that mistake. Once I finished my food I got up and was about to walk through the door. When suddenly I was pulled to the side of the hall by none other then Harry frickin Potter. I glared at him but just as I was about to speak he said "Tonight at midnight we meet on the third floor then we all go through the door and fight Snape." I rolled my eyes when he said Snape but nodded. 

   ( Time Skip to almost midnight )

     It was almost midnight so I got out of bed brushed my hair, put on my combat boots, my black long sleeved shirt, my black leggings, and I put my hair up in a pony tail. I looked at myself in the mirror and I couldn't lie I looked bad ass. So I quickly grabbed my wand and a couple of potions and left for the third floor. Until I saw a little bit of peaking above a chair. The blond stood up and said "Willow? Why are you up? Where are you going?" I looked at him "Draco I'm meeting Snape so he can help me on some potions." He looked at me and nodded I smiled at him and left the common room and made my way to the third floor.

     I made it up to the third floor and realized that the trio wasn't there yet. So I just explored a little bit waiting for them to get here. Finally I heard them trying to be quiet but failing of course. So being the Slytherin I am I decided to scare them. I used a small charm that Snape taught me I changed my voice to sound like Filch's voice. I then said " Did you hear something Mrs.Norris? Well let's check over here." I then started walking to make it sound like he was here. They sounded so worried so I took the charm off and started laughing quietly. They took off the invisibility coat and looked at me in shock. Hermione then asked "How did you do that? You sounded just like Filch!" I laughed a little "It was a simple spell that Snape taught me just in case I needed to scare someone off or prank them." They all looked at me shocked I rolled my eyes "Well then lets get to it if we wanna defeat whoever is trying to take the stone." They all then nodded and we left for the door.

     We found the door and Hermione whispered a spell that I couldn't hear but I'm guessing it was a door unlocking spell. We went in and I saw a huge three headed dog it was beautiful. I then noticed a harp playing quietly. I saw Harry bring out a flute and start playing it when the harp stopped playing. We all tried to move it's paw off of the trap door. I then opened the trap door and jumped down. Harry was starting to say something but I bet it was boring I then realized that this was Devils Snare. I was about to tell them to jump but they already had guess that beautiful dog woke up. As the black tendrils of the Devils Snare started wrapping around them I said "Just relax and it will let you go it's fine." I then relaxed and I got down to the bottom which was just fine. They started yelling my name then Hermione came down as well. She then yelled "Just relax or else it will kill you. " Harry then fell down and Ron being Ron started freaking out even more. But since I of course pay attention in class I whispered a spell that summons sunlight and Ron fell down on his arse.

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