6. Someone Kill The DJ

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Orca woke up to the unwelcome sound of music.

Music as a phenomena wasn't a bad thing, Orca enjoyed listening to Green Day or Linking Park, or some other nice punk band while studying or riding the bus, but she had the curtesy to use headphones, and most importantly, she listened to real music.

Avicii was not real music.

Orca rolled around and pulled her pillow over her head, trying to drown out the beat of the base, but it was blasting out from her own very good speaker, and was so persistent it could not be ignored. She did her best to control her temper, to not lash out at her roommate for:

1) waking her up before her time

2) using her stereo

3) listening to stupid anti-music

4) doing all three at the same time.

Listing all the things that made her angry wasn't helping with staying calm.

Orca sat up in one fast movement and threw her pillow with deadly accuracy, hitting Erica in the head before she had the chance to duck.

Erica gave a scream, and actually threw herself to the ground, dropping the flattening iron she was using to straighten her already ridiculously straight blond hair. Orca had never understood what good flattening it even further would actually do, but Erica insisted on going up hours in advance to have the time to carefully flatten all and every strand of her hair. She had on occasion suggested that Orca would try it on her curly hair, but she had refused. Once, when they were fighting, Erica had tried to flatten her hair in her sleep, but her poor little iron had not managed to tame her wild curls.

Half-way through, Orca had woken up, and as a revenge, she had emptied a bottle of toothpaste into Erica's shoes. That had been more effective.

"what the fudge Jackson!" she cried, rolling around. "I could have died!"

Orca looked at her funny "no, you couldn't" she protested. "If I had wanted to kill you, I would have thrown the knife under my pillow." Orca didn't actually have one of those, like any responsible person, she kept sharp objects out of her bed, safely in her nightstand drawer, but it was just the sort of thing Erica expected of her, so she liked to play along.

"sure I could!" she kept speaking in a high pitched register that were really clashing with the anti-music. "my heart could have stopped from the fright, and then you would have been a murderer!" she clutched her heart theatrically, and Orca laughed.

"manslaughter." She said. "I would have been charged with manslaughter, not murder. Murder needs intention, planning, and the act of actively trying to take your life while thinking mean things. I walk on all points but the last, and there's still no law against just thinking."

"then you would have gone to jail as a... manslaughter...er..." she tried, making Orca smirk.

"manslayer, and believe me, I'm not going to jail. I'm a way too good lawyer for that. I'm going to walk out of there, having convinced everyone that it was just a silly mistake, and you can't spell manslaughter without laughter"

"you're sick." Erica spit as she got up from the floor and retrieved her flattening iron. Her hair had become a wonderful mess form the inpact with the pillow and the fall to the floor, and Orca could see on her face that Erica would not have the time to redo it.

"nope. Fit as a fiddle. My mother had me tested." Orca grinned. "and what were you reading again? Philosophy? You better stick to that as neither English, Medicine or Law seems to be your forte. Probably music isn't for you either." She made a foul face towards the speakers, still blasting out Avicii. "what have my stereo ever done to you to deserve to be treated this way? What have I ever done?"

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